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(Sorry! I thought I posted this chapter like a week ago. I update every week or every other week because I've had things going on. But I checked and seen I didn't post this chapter when I swear I did...anyway enjoy)

Next morning

I woke up and my legs are killing me.
I get out of bed and Zions gone.
I put on a bra and underwear and sweatpants and tang top and socks.
I walk downstairs while putting my hair up.
I see Zion in sweatpants and cooking food and Jaden, C and R and Ky are in the living room.
I walk behind Zion and wrap my arms around his waist and put my head on his back.
"Good morning baby."
I go and sit on the island counter.
He comes up to me and kisses my head.
"You okay?"
"No! I told you not to break me, and now I can't feel my legs."
"Sorry about that, I told you that if you teased me we would be longer and when I go longer I go harder and faster."
"Warn a girl about that next time."
He kisses my head and they hear us.
"Your up finally."
"Fuck off, I can sleep."
Zion finished cooking and we ate.
Jaden already bathed them and put clothes on them.
So I hopped in the shower and washed my body.
I got out and blow dried my hair and put it up in a messy bun and put on leggings and a crop top that goes under my boobs then I put socks and slides on.
I did my makeup, lashes, brows, and base.
Not writing it anymore, I always have jewelry in earrings and nose piercing and belly piercing.
I walk downstairs and Zions gone.
"Where's Z?"
"He had to leave, and he said "tomorrow you and the kids go o his place at 12."
"I don't know, he said to."
"There birthday is...oooooh Never Mind."

Next day
C&Rs birthday

I wake up and showered and bathed Caleb and Rosa.
I put there clothes on, Caleb in a hoodie and Jeans and Jordan's, Rosa in a t shirt and leggings and Jordan's, she wanted to look like me today.
I brushed her hair out and curled it.
Then they went downstairs to play and watch tv.
I dried my hair and curled it and threw on a black beanie, then got dressed in black ripped jeans and a white tang top and black and white and gray flannel and white Jordan's (high tops).
I did my makeup.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs

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I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.
"You guys ready?"
"Ya, where are we going?"
"It's a surprise."
"Oh okay."
We get in the car and head to Zions.
We get into the gate and arrive at there place.
I get them out of the car and we knock on the door.
"Come in!"
I open it and looked inside.
We walk in.
"Happy Birthday!"
Everyone jumped out.
"Wait what!?" Caleb and Rosa said.
I bend down "I guess your dad had a surprise for the three of us."
They seen Zion and ran up to him.
And he picked them up.
"You to looks nice today."
"Thank you."
"Happy birthday babies." He kissed there cheeks and put them down.
I walked in and hugged Zion.
I see Zions family and the guys and my mom and Jaden and Ky and KJ and Jason and my brother Cam, they where suppose to be in China for KJs work.
Caleb and Rosa see Zions family and got scared.
I bend down.
"Hey babies, there's 4 people here you don't know yet, there your family, there your dads family."
Zion comes over, "I want you two to meet them, are you guys okay with that?"
"Ya, I wanna be in daddy's family."
"Rosa baby, you are, the minute your mom gave birth to you guys, you where my family, I may not have been there but you where and always will be."
She wraps her arms around his neck and picks Caleb and Rosa up.
I stand up.
We walk to Zions family.

(Zions fathers name has not been out that I know of so um ya...shit I guess I'll put it as Javon I guess I don't know, if you know it leave a comment please)

"Caleb, Rosa, meet my parents Mandy my mom and Javon my dad and Kékéli my sister and lastly Elom my brother."
I hugged them cuz it's been forever since I had seen them.
"I missed y'all so much."
"We misses you to."
"Here lemme take Rosa, she's the most nervous."
I take Rosa and hold her.
"Rosa, would it make you feel better if I had you and you met them one by one?"
"Wait! Rosa what if I do it with you." Caleb said.
I put her down and Zion puts Caleb down.
They hold hands and I bend down so do they and Zion.
"Hi, I'm your grandma Mandy."
"I'm your grandpa Javon."
"I'm your Aunt Kékéli."
"I'm y'all uncle Elom."
They both hug them all.
"Uncle Elom?"
"You look just like daddy." Caleb said.
We all laugh "did you know your names after him?"
"Wait what!? Mama?"
"Ya, your fathers name is Caleb but he goes by Zion."
If you look at Elom and Zion they look just alike
We opened gifts and had cake and did everything.
"I got one more thing. I'll be back."
Zion went upstairs and came back with a box.
"Open it."
I open it and pull out 4 hoodies.
There black and on the back it says 'Kuwonu'.
Then I look over at Zion...
"Wait!? Really!?"

My brothers best friend (Zion Kuwonu Where stories live. Discover now