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(Sorry for not posting in forever, like in forever forever)

Zion comes up to the car and we leave.
"Baby? You okay?"
"No, the fact that Zach had the nerve to come up to me."
"Did he say anything?"
"Ya, that he was sorry...I didn't accept."
"If he hurts you imma kill him."
I laugh "Thank you baby."
We get to my place and Zion and I went to my room.
I close the door and turned music on and laid on my bed next to Zion.
"What you wanna do?" Zion asked.
"I mean I have a couple ideas."
I sat up and climbed on top of Zion and I sat in his lap.
He sat up and put his hands on my thighs.
"What kind of ideas?"
"I think you know."
"Well than, wanna get started?"
I kiss him and he pulls my shirt off and I take his off.
We both take out pants off and I wore a thong and lace bra.
"Who did you dress up for?"
He smirks.
I take his boxers off and my thong off and he takes my bra off.
I sit back down in his lap and he sits up more and hugs me/ where making out.
His hands are on my ass rubbing my back and back to my ass.
I stand up and he lines up to my entrance and I sit back down on him.
I move side to side causing him to moan.
Then I moan.
Then KJ and Zach come in.
"Hey Skye you got a few paint canvases we can barrow?" He hasn't seen us yet.
"Dude! Get out!" Zion yelled.
"We need this canvases!"
"KJ get out! Zach! What are you doing here!?"
I cover us with my comforter.
"Would you to leave!!!!!!!"
"Dude, pull out my sister and Skye get me some paint canvases."
I grab my shoe, I throw it at him.
"GET OUT!!!!!!!!!! IM NAKED FOR GO SAKES!!!!!!"
They leave and shut the door.
Zion flips us.
"Continue or stop?" I asked
"Up to you baby." He says while kissing me down my neck.
"Finish then shower then I get there fucking paint canvases."
He moves in and out, which hurts more than usual because he had to stay inside me for like forever.
We continued and we both came and became moaning messes.
Zion pulled out and we went in the shower.
I only washed my body.
I got out and put my hair in a messy bun and but my underwear and black lace bra on and black shorts and socks then grabbed the paint canvases.
I walk downstairs and Zion is behind me.
"Here's your fucking canvases!"
And I threw them at them.
I go to the fridge and get some baked homemade Mac and cheese.
They don't realize I can here them.
"How can your sister fuck your best friend?"
"Don't trash talk my sister."
"Just saying. Seriously how are you fine with it?"
"There dating and in love sooo... shit."
"KJ!!!! Do you know how to keep your mouth shut!? And Zach it's really not your business who I fuck!"
"I bet you liked mine at the party." He smirked.
"Shut the fuck Up! I didn't! You rapped me! You forced me to fuck You!"
"Wait what?"
"Friday when you guys came home I was crying because this asshole, that's why he wasn't bothered by me and Zion having sex in MY room you guys barged into."
KJ got up and punched Zach in the face.
"Get the fuck out my house!"
"Come on we gotta finish this."
"No! Get out or I'll call the cops."
"There won't be proof, considering I'm sure he just shot up inside her, how do you know he's not rapping her!?"
I walk up to Zach and I slap him across the face and he falls to the ground.
He gets up and ran out.
"Next time, knock on my door!"
I got my food and went upstairs.
I sat on my bed and ate my food.
"Hey baby, I gotta go home, Prettymuch has a meeting tomorrow so we won't be at school."
"Oh okay."
I get up and kiss him.
"Love you."
"I love you to baby."
He left and I went to my desk and put on Shane Dawson.
I grab a paint canvas and I start to paint some random things.
I'm a artist/makeup artist and emo type of person.

Next day

I wake Not in the mood for people and the guys won't be at school.
I get in the shower and I feel hella sick.
I get out and I go to the toilet and I throw up.
I know I'm not pregnant, I have my period.
I put on Zions shirt he left here and in flows over my knees.
I throw socks on and I go downstairs.
"Hey mom, is it okay if I stay home? I really don't feel good, I just threw up."
"Ya, you don't look to good?"
"Maybe she's pregnant! You know especially what I seen yesterday!" KJ yelled
"Asshole! Shut up! I'm not pregnant! I'm on my period!"
"And you had sex! Ewwww!"
"No idiot I got it this morning!"
"Anyway! Ya go upstairs lol make you some food."
"Okay, thank you."
I walk upstairs back to my room.
I close the door and I lay in bed.

summer break

The past few months have been chill.
Zach got his ass beat 3 times because he doesn't know how to not fuck shit up.
And Prettymuch is on tour.
And your girl can't go. Yay!
I'm pissed! They've been on tour for 3 months.
I haven't seen Zion in forever.
Ya we FT and Call and Text, but it's different.
His sister Kékéli send me videos of there concerts and things then I FT Zion after them.
"Hey baby."
"I miss you. When are you coming home?"
"Not for another month."
"Fuck! I miss you to much."
"I miss you to."
"Come home please, this bitch misses her daddy." I winked at him
"Thank god I have head phones in."
I laughed.
"Come home! That's a demand."
"I know baby, I wish I could."
"No I wish I could have gone but no my mom said I couldn't, shoot me please."
"I'm good, I love you to much."
"I love you more."
"Impossible. Well I gotta go, we just arrived at the fans house for her birthday."
"Okay, love you."
"Love you to."

My brothers best friend (Zion Kuwonu Where stories live. Discover now