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It's Zions birthday today.
And because of that I'm posting again.
Normally I'd post every week or 2 weeks.
But ya.

Happy mother fuckin birthday to Zion!!!


Week later

I've been to busy with R and C and my designing job.
But today I wanna take them out to the park today.
I get dressed after my shower in a white crop top and ripped black jean shorts just above my knees and white Jordan's and did y makeup and hair curled with a beanie.
And all my jewelry.

"Caleb! Rosa! You two better be dressed!"They run in

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"Caleb! Rosa! You two better be dressed!"
They run in.
They look just like there father.
Tan skin, a little taller than a average 3 year old, There birthday is in 2 months, and they have dark hair like Zion but Rosa's hair is a little lighter, they got plumb lips.
Caleb had white Air Force Jordan's and a white T shirt and jeans and Rosa has on leggings and Air Force Jordan's and pink tang top on.
"Both you sit in the chair, I gotta did the mess of hair on your head."
Caleb has Zions hair before dreads, Rosa had my hair really long.
We get in the car and start driving.
"Yes baby?"
"Will we ever meet our daddy?"
"Maybe one day, but for right now you have mommy."
"Oh okay."
"Hey sissy cheer up, at least we have mommy, right?"
We get to the park and I watch them play.
Rosa, Caleb don't come up here please.
"What you doing here?" He asked
"Just hanging...what about you?"
"Me and the guys are on break so we decided to go to the ice cream truck that's right there."
I look over and see the guys.
"Wanna go get some?"
"I'm okay."
"Nah come on."
"I'm Okay."
"I'll be back with some than."
Once he left I bolted and grabbed Caleb and Rosa.
I buckled them in there car seats.
I get and I almost get hit by a fucking car!
The front door opened and it was Zion.

I get out.
"What the fuck!?"
"Skye? We're where you goin?"
I open the back door and check on the Twins.
"You two Okay?"
They wanted out so I took the out.
There hiding behind me.
"Who is he? Mama?"
"Mama!? Your a mom?"
I take a deep breath.
"Don't freak out."
"I'll try not to."
"Caleb, Rosa, meet Zion..." I took a long deep breath.
"He's...He's your father."
"Zion, meet Caleb and Rosa, your kids..."
He bends down.
"Is he really our daddy?"
"Yes he is."
They run up to him and hug him.
I see a tear run down his face.
"Aww Zion."
The kids back up and went back to me.
"Ya Caleb?"
"Can daddy come over? Or can we go to his?"
"Ya can we please?"
"That's up to him."
"I don't mind, plus I'm sure the guys would love to meet them."
"I'll tell the guys your coming over once we get home."
"Okay, they gotta take a nap anyway so."
"Okay. I'll see you guys later."
"Okay, Bye Daddy."
"Bye Z."
We get in the car and went home.
I put them down to nap.
Few hours later
"Rosa! Caleb Ready?"
"Ya coming."
They come down and I fixed there hair.
"Hey I'm on my way."
"Okay. The address changed so here is our new one."
I put the kids in the car (G wagon) and we start driving.
We get there and it's a gated place.
"Hello, who are you here to see?"
"Zion Kuwonu, and the guys."
"Skye Black."
I gave her the I.D and we got accepted and went in.
We get there and I park and Holy Shit.
There house, Mansion! Is massive.
"Okay, so before we go inside, I have to tell you two something."
"Your father, has a band group, which I would say are your uncles and there's a lot of them, so if your scared hold onto me or him, Okay?"
I get out and grabbed my things and Zion walks out.
The kids run to him.
He picks Cable and Rosa up.
"Wait I just realized, his name is Caleb."
"After me?"
"Yes, I think we need to have a talk about everything soon."
"Definitely. Ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be."
"Come on."
I follow Zion in.
"Guys I there's people I want you to meet."
They pause there game.
Jadens here with them and Kyrie.
"Wait who are these two?"
Jaden looked at me like she was really happy.
Rosa reach's her arms to me.
I take her.
"Hey baby, what's wrong?"
She's crying.
"Sorry mama, I guess I'm just a little scared."
"Baby calm down, look Jaden and KyKy are here."
"Sissy come here."
Zion our Caleb down and I put Rosa down.
Caleb hugged Rosa.
Kyrie came up and hugged them.
"Wait im sooooo confused." The guys said.
"I'll take the kids outside, while you 6 talk."
"Thank you Jaden."
She takes them and the guys hug me and we sit down.
"First what happened between you guys? Your where the tightest pair."
"I....I guess it looked like I cheated, but I swear, I promise Skye I didn't, she went up to me, and kissed me and did that."
"Sorry I didn't let you explain."
"I get why."
"Sooo? What about the kids?" Austin asked
"When I came here the day we broke up, before that I was really sick, and it turned out I was pregnant, with Caleb and Rosa. And Jaden knew about them, cuz I needed someone to help and I told her not to tell you guys, because of the situation."
"Then today, when we went out I seen Skye at the park then when I went back was gonna grab Ice cream for her, I seen her bolt with the kids and then I stopped her by nearly hitting her."
"Can we meet them meet them?" Nick asked
"Ya...just be carful with them."
"We will."
I got up and went outside and grabbed them.
"Rosa, Caleb, meet Nick, Austin,Brandon, and Edwin."
They all bent down so did Zion.
They where holding onto Zions shirt.
"Are you Daddy's brothers?" Rosa asked
"There something like that." Zion said
"They look like you." Brandon said looking at Zion
"Right, especially Caleb... wait?" Edwin claimed and asked
I laugh "Yes his name is Caleb, I named him after Zion."

My brothers best friend (Zion Kuwonu Where stories live. Discover now