Telling the boys

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"Please Y/N can we tell the boys" your boyfriend nagged you for the millionth time to tell the boys about the baby.

"Fine" you said giving in and getting bored of Awsten going on about it. He phoned them to come over.

The boys arrived and Awsten couldn't keep a smile off his face. They all sat on th sofa while you made some tea, well as Awsten made tea because he wouldn't let you to do anything. You walked into the living room.

"Now can you tell us!" Geoff moaned like a 4 year old.

"Fine Y\N !!" Awsten should to you. You walked though into the living room and Awsten wrapped his arms around you. "You ready" you nod.

"Well me and Awsten are going to be—" you stared
"Parents! YNs pregnant. You are going to be uncles" Awsten finished our sentence.

"OH MY GOD! Congrats" Otto said. They both stood up and hugged you and Awsten.

"The first baby Waterparks" Geoff said as you all laughed.


"Geoff I don't want to tell them yet. What if they say your in a band and you'll never be home" you panicked after Geoff said he wanted to tell the boys the news.

"They won't, I promise I know them" Geoff practically begged you.You nod."Thank you. I'll phone them" Geoff phones the boys and they came over as quick as possible.

"Ok boys! Me and YN have some news" Geoff said clutching your hand.

"Well Um...." You stutter.
"Me and YN are having a baby" Geoff said looking at the two boys faces. They all smiled.
"Congrats! Oh my god a baby Wigington! A baby Waterparks" Otto smiled and stood up and hugged you.

"If its a boy can you name him after me" Awsten asked.

"Maybe" you laughed hugging Geoff's side and putting your hand on your invisible bump.

The rest of the day the boys were talking about the baby.


"The boys are coming over. Do you want to tell them" Otto asked walking into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around you from behind.

"We might as well. The baby is going to affect them as well" you said turning around and wrapping your arms around Otto's  neck. He leans down and kisses you.

The door went.

"Hi Boyd" you said and hugged them both.

"Hi YN they called and walked in. Otto hugged the boys. They walked into the living room and all fell back into the sofa.

"So what did you want to tell us" Otto said.

"Well um! Me and YN are expecting! Your going to be uncles" Otto semi shouted!
"OMG BABY WOOD" Awsten shouted" congratulations guys"

"See I told you they will be alright with it" Otto said as you laughed.

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