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*Quick Author's Note

I'm really sorry, I was planning on updating a while ago but then I had to take a small vacation and I wasn't allowed to bring my laptop so once again, I am sorry.*

I wake up in a soft bed and try to move my head. I groan in pain and my eyes flutter open. I see Evan immediately in front of me.

"Are you ok" he asks trying to hide the concern written across his features.

My eyes water slightly but I push it away. I have not cried in a year and a half. I don't plan to start again. He sees my eyes and his small fake smile falters. He silently sits next to me and takes my hand.

"What happened to you" he asks softly.

"I.... my first mate. Daniel. He.... he rejected me" I whisper, almost to myself. 

He emits a low growl and I try to stop my quivering lip.

"Damn it" he says loudly. He suddenly yanks his hand from mine and anger flashes in my eyes.

He turns and leaves. I glare holes in the back of his head as he leaves. 

'So much for a good mate' I snarl at Emily.

She whimpers but I don't care anymore. What a dick. I stand up and brush myself off ignoring the raging headache.

"Where can I find some friggin food around here? And where's my phone" I grumble to no one in particular. 

I walk to the door and open it to see two men on either side of my doorway.

"Where's the kitchen and where's my phone" I ask. 

"Alpha Evan informed us that he would like to see you once you woke up" the one to the left said.

I roll my eyes and ask "Which way to His Royal Highness?"

He pointed to the right and I walked towards the door.

I knocked and heard a rough voice say "Come in."

I opened the door and immediately asked "Where's my phone and where's the kitchen?"

I take in his appearance. His hair is ruffled and he has dark bags under his eyes.

Before he can reply I ask "Did you sleep last night?"

He points to a pile of bags and says "Right there, downstairs, and no."

I purse my lips and go towards the bag. My phone is on top and I grab it. I unlock my phone to see I have a text.

Unknown:  Hello

I squint my eyes suspiciously. More pranks from my friends no doubt.

Me: Who is this

I immediately get a reply.

Unknown: Too bad your sweet little mate didn't get any sleep.

My eyes whip to Evan but he is still doing paperwork. I scan the room and see no one. My heart beats wildly in my ribcage.

Me: Who the hell is this

Unknown: Nice outfit. I do have to say though... you look pretty damn good in white and beige.

My eyes immediately scan my clothing. I'm wearing a white shirt and beige pants. I don't reply. I pinch myself to tell me this is real. I shut off my phone and look back at Evan.

"You need to get some rest" I say.

He looks up at me in surprise.

"I have a lot of work to do" he says emotionlessly.

I sigh dramatically and say "I didn't want to have to do this."

He looks at me questioningly. I walk over to him and grab his chair. I push his chair away from his desk and out of the door.

"What are you doing" he asks looking at me like mad woman.

I grinned and said "You'll thank me later."

I kept on pushing his chair past the freaked out people and to the room I had been in before. Once I reached my destination I stopped the chair close to the bed.

"You've lost your mind" Evan muttered.

"Can't lose something you never had" I say in a sing-song voice.

I push him out of the chair and say "Come on. Even Big Boy Alpha needs sleep."

He sighs and reluctantly lies down.

"Ha! I win" I say with a goofy childish grin.

His eyes flutter closed and I stare at him longingly. Before any more crazy thoughts can fill my head I head downstairs to the kitchen. I see a plate of bacon and practically drool. I sit down and start to eat the bacon slowly. My phone buzzes and I pull it out of my pocket.

Unknown: Is that bacon any good?

My heart stops and I look around the room once again. There is no one. Panic floods my senses but I push it out, telling myself it's one of my friends pranking me. 

Unknown: Don't tell me you've forgotten my name so soon. As a little reminder; it's James.

My breathing hitches. I have not heard that name in years. That name broke me. Over and over. They say time heals all wound but the scars littering my body say otherwise. I feel someone tap my shoulder and I scream as I whip my head around in terror. I see Evan's confused face and almost collapse in relief.

"What the hell was that for" he asked.

"Nothing" I say firmly.

"Just a bit jumpy" I say, the lie rolling off my tongue. 

My phone buzzes and I jump in surprise. I look at it to see another text.

Unknown: Yes, just a bit jumpy.

"Who is that" Evan asks.

"No one" I say shrugging casually. 

He snatches my phone out of my hand and I fight to get it back.

"Evan give it back! I'm not joking!" I yell.

He holds it above his head and reads it. I'm so screwed.

"Who is this bitch" he says in a growl.

"I-I don't know" I stutter.

"Who is James" He yells.

I flinch at the name. I never told anyone about James. Ever. Not about the times I blacked out from the pain. Not about the times I lost my will to live. Not about the times he carved hateful words into my skin and not about the lashes from whips. Both scarred. Both were still on my flesh. I would never forget what he did to me.

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