Chapter five

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Chapter Five

The day has past,Xiao jirou didn't do anything just to cultivate and practice her qinggong with his instructor was the black head Feng Xiao yue,while he continue to get her mad and to teased her.

However in a past few days,without saying farewell,Feng Xiao yue suddenly leaved as he include his hundred soldiers on his journey,but Xiao jirou was still clueless about his mysterious journey couldn't help but to feel helplessly, this man seems he didn't have plan to told her about of this continent, how pity she was?!

But noticing her leaved she recently feel worried,as she thought about the soldiers with him,could it there's a big war that happened just now,thinking back about her first arrive in this world,the horrible scene made her stomach to churned,how can she be forgot about the bloody corpses with their eternal organs was almost bulging outside to their body,and the worst,mostly of them,their meaty brain was stick on to their watermelon head!

As for her thought,her vision didn't wrongly her as now Feng Xiao yue was already prepared long time about for a big war!

The raging flaming aura surging out from the million of terrifying million tons tyrannically corps,with a burning gazes on their eyes.

As the thousands soldiers stood menacingly,thought that the three person like leader in their front facing their demon for,with unimaginable domineering grandeur as the coldness emitted on their visage,giving the unbearable chilling.

It was said that the three person was like the deities who possessed such an extraordinary power,as they also like the noble emperor in the middle of the battlefield,with determination trace on their lustily handsome appearance.

Although,they was the most handsome in this realm,they have own seductively appearance that made everyone girls wanted them to devoured as they saliva drooling.

One of them was Feng Xiao yue,the emperor of the dragon mystic,his fears appearance made everyone to shivered and kneel them to his front,with his eyes looking at them with disdain,wearing the gold armor with elegant black robe and metal to his arms,its was give his firm body become more fears while he possessing the tyrannical power,just like the true dragon.

In the other hand,the two another person on his two side has his sworn brothers also the emperor of the two other guardian beasts.  In his left side,was the emperor of the black turtle clan,the peerless lady boy Emperor Nangong Chen, with his calm temper but when facing those black foes with his powerful grandeur and his cold golden fears eyes, made everyone to flee before his two powerful claws strangle them to death.

And the person in the right side,it was the emperor of White tiger clan,Ye Huai,known as cold and expressionless emperor second to Feng Xiao yue,with unbearable temper as he strangled someone neck if they provoked him,but his fearless handsome its made everyone woman throw themselves to him,after they will scram with their neck was dislocate.

Indeed,the three emperor ruled the three powerful clan in the Guardian martial spirit land,as symbol of guardians, however,someone missing......

Abruptly, their eyes suddenly filled of raged,who thought that the three emperor of guardians clan wasn't complete,their eyes gradually turned their head in their left side,suddenly their original empty cold eyes filled of sadness.

Who thought,after decades of centuries it has still empty,and when were that time the disaster made them to scattered,then killed the one of them.

Then after a while,the war suddenly begin with the shouted and thunderous screamed of both side,with their limbs everyone make them move as they carried their swords that glinting fiercely on their opponent.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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