Chapter 7

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Ayesha Pov
The same night(night of party)

I'm starting to settle down my hair is wrapped up, I'm in my pajamas and everything. I even had a charcoal face mask on. Everything is fine until I heard a loud ass bang on the door. So I immediately go downstairs and grab a knife, because a bitch is too young to die. And to make matters worse I was home alone because my parents had some stupid ass meeting to go to in another state.

"Who the hell is there?!?" I yelled
"I will kill you on sight! I ain't got shit else to do" I added. I was about to say something else until I heard a sound of someone falling on my porch.
"What the hell" I mumbled to myself.
I opened my door only to see Stephen passed out drunk on the floor. Can this nigga just disappear somewhere?

"Stephen curry get the fuck off my porch before I beat your ass" I yelled in his face. His head rose up.
"Stephen I said get the fuck up." I clarified while watching him walk into my house.

"Yeah I'm just gonna sleep here tonight. Because it's thundering, and your scared of thunder." He nonchalantly said as if it wasn't a big deal. I knew he was odee drunk.

"No Steph your not sleeping here!" I yelled in response. He was getting closer to my bed so I had to act fast.


"B-baby I-ii misssss youuuuu" He slurred.

"No you don't, you made that very clear. I've been going through hell at school and your the reason why! I've been getting told to kill myself calling me a slut etc. so hell no, I hate you so much with every fucking piece of energy in my body." I said while starting to tear up.

"Ha!" He said while drunkingly chuckling.

I've really been tryna hold me piece with this shit. But I can't take it anymore, no muh fucking more! I went up to him and popped him in his mouth. Then I slapped him across his face multiple times, I threw his unbalanced ass to the ground and kicked him in his dick. Ion give a fuck. That's not even a fraction of the pain he brought me.

"Ow s-stop yyour hurting meee" he lowly said while trying to guard himself.

"Ion give a fuck you deserve this shit" I yelled. Suddenly he pulls me down and kisses me. I don't kiss back for a second, but I couldn't resist myself.....I kissed back. I hate that I did, he's put me through hell and I literally hate him but I love him at the same time it's so stupid. He pulled away staring straight at me in my eyes.

"I'm sooo s-sorry for what I did. I had no right and I'm sorry for all the shit I said. I really love you so much. I've loved you since the day you moved in next door in kindergarten. But I can't admit it because it scares me to love someone to this extent. I'm scared to let everyone down, and that's all I've been doing that's why I'm happy I'm leaving. So it doesn't give me the opportunity to let you down anymore. I know we can never be together so I'm just gonna transfer to a high school down south. For the rest of senior year and then it's college and the NBA." He said, I was shocked he was saying all of this while being drunk as hell.

"Stephen you don't mean that, your drunk. If you really loved me you would've helped me 2 weeks ago when I was getting bullied and harassed. I like the drunk Steph you can acknowledge your faults. But I can't wait forever on you. I deserve better than you and it took me a while to realize that, but I truly hate you and nothing is going to change that. So stop trying. Go to military school, get your life together, go to the NBA and live your best life. But I promise I won't be in it. I deserve better than a piece of shit like you. So with that said. Get the fuck out of my house, you aren't welcome and never will be." I bluntly said while getting him up and pushing him out.

"Baby I'll be waiting. Your mines, you always have been and always will be. I can't imagine a world with you gone, the joy and the chaos, the demons we made of. I'd be so lost if you left me alone, so therefore I'm never leaving you alone, and I'm going to propose to you one day. And we will be married goals. I love you Ayesha. If I don't see you tomorrow, just know Ill be waiting for you. Can't wait to see where you go in the future. Love you baby." He said while kissing my cheek. I was shocked. I love Wardell. But I'm not supposed to, so that's how it has to be. I love Stephen but I can't love him so I'll have to learn to forget him. It is what it is.

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