Chapter 5

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Stephens Pov
What makes me laugh about this whole situation is that Ayesha actually thinks I care about what I did to Ben. Like I couldn't give a single flying fuck. I don't know who she thinks she is ,but she's gonna get a reality check real soon. If she thinks that's all I'm gonna do for revenge, this lil girl got another thing coming.
And she has the nerve to talk to me after I just protected her dumbass from that trifling ass golden boy.

" what the fuck is your problem Wardell?" Ayesha asked.

"What's my problem? Your the one leading me on when you know I like you and that I want to be with you. Then you have the AUDACITY to come up in this bitch talking bout some " what's your problem" your a trick, that's what the fuck you are! Your a trifling ass hoe just like your lover boy. Y'all really deserve eachother, I tried to drop all my hoes for you and everything. Do you know I've only had sex 8 times this week?!? You know what that does to a guy like me, it fucks you up. That's what it does. So fuck off, I'll never protect you ever again. So just hope Benny poo is there for you went shit goes south like I was. Fucking ran through hoe!" I yelled directly at her while causing the whole class to look. But I honestly didn't care.

"Wow Steph I guess you forgot to take your Adhd medication today." She blurted out. This bitch. Ugh niggas gon make me kill myself on life man! Shit what the fuck am I gon do now?!? Suddenly everyone started dapping me up and being like " I wish I had ADHD so I can be extra savage like you" and I had like 10 girls slip their number in my pocket. Usually I'd be annoyed that my sons would follow me and dickride but this time I didn't mind.

"Haha bitch you tried it. Your life gonna be a living hell from now on and don't expect me to save you from it." I said while walking away to my next period.

"Wardell I fucking hate you!" She yelled while tears started streaming down her face. I wanted to feel bad but all I could do is laugh. She made her damn bed now she gotta lay in that bitch.

"Oh and it's Stephen to you, only friends can call me Wardell..." I said with my back turned to her.

I could hear her crying behind me, but she's no longer my concern. Ben can take care of her.

Ayesha Pov
I ran into the bathroom, breaking down. I looked at the walls of the stalls already seeing writing like " beware Ayesha has sucked dick there" and " Ayesha the slut of the school" that just made me cry even more. I knew what Stephen was capable of. For fucksake he's the most popular guy in school. He can walk up to any student and if he says " jump" they say " how high?" I've never see that side of Stephen he literally just snapped on me. He really went in on me and I was shocked ,so I thought talking about his biggest secret would help me but it backfired. What the hell am I gonna do? Maybe I could go to Remi- nevermind we aren't friends anymore ever since she joined the cheer squad she switched up. So I have nobody. And Ben isn't gonna talk to me for shit. So I'm just fucked up.

I walked into the lunchroom to see everyone pointing at me and laughing. It was like a scene out of a movie. I just stood there looking like a whole ass idiot. What hurt my heart so much is that Ben was sitting at Stephens table and they were talking. I guess Ben had some bro code with him that Stephen claimed me and Ben was still fuckin' round with me so Ben is in the wrong. Like what in the fuckshit is going on?HELL NO! I'm not finna stick around this school and get bitched, I'm better than that and don't deserve to get bullied. I'm gonna go up to that lil psycho and give him a piece of my mind.

"Stephen I fucking hate you so much. I've never done shit to you. We were NEVER dating and yo ass know that too! We NEVER had sex and you know that. The most we did is fucking kiss so I don't get why the fuck you getting mad at me for having another male friend. Do you even fucking know? Because yo outta pocket yellow ass golden retriever lookin ass self needs to shut the fuck up and stop acting like a emotional lesbian. I'm not your fucking property. And never will be." I yelled attracting a pretty big crowd. Everyone was anticipating his response. But he just looked at me and started laughing along with some of his friends. So I decided to make a PSA.

"HELLO FELLOW STUDENTS STEPHEN CURRY HERE HAS BEEN TELLING PEOPLE HE TOOK MY V-CARD, HES A LYING BASTARD AND NEVER TOUCHED SHIT ON MY BODY!!!" The whole cafeteria erupted with laughter. Until Stephen spoke up and said the one thing he swore he'd never say.

"Well Ayesha that technically impossible to take your virginity when your dad already did.." he said looking me straight in my eyes that were filling up with tears. Within a matter of milliseconds the cafeteria went wild. I thought they laughed hard at my PSA so imagine that x100. I stood there like a brick wall. Scared to move, scared to breathe, scared to cry. I just stood there, because I knew it was true..... people started throwing food at me calling me names one girl even pushed me to the ground. I ran out the cafe, before I left I looked back to Stephens table only to see his friends dapping him up and them all hysterically laughing. The thing that took years to slightly get over, was now hitting me like the day it happened.
I hate Wardell Stephen Curry ll.

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