Chapter 2

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Ayesha pov:
We got on the bus and Stephens mood automatically changed.
" Ayo my nigga , hows was yo summer bro?" Stephen asked Klay.

" Aye it's been aight, been wit my girl and shit what bout you. Everything all good with that thing" Klay asked pointing to his head. What the hell is going on with Stephen?!?!

"Yeah I guess, still trying to come to terms with the shit that's been with me my whole life. Idk I was fine when I didn't know but now that I know ion like it" Stephen responded.

"But you know that's normal, you'll get used to it." Klay responded.
Then they started talking about god knows what, I stopped caring. While we were heading out, Stephen dropped something from his book pack. It was two bottles of pills, I know it's not my business but I decided to read the labels.
" Wardell Stephen Curry ll ADHD medication"
" Wardell Stephen Curry ll dyslexia meditation"
Wow. I knew Stephen has something wrong with him, he was too damn loud, hyper and crazy. There's not a day that goes by he's not yelling running around the halls, or jumping on tables and shit. Should I give them back? Or should I try to find out more Info? Idk. But that's not that bad, they are disorders but I'm sure everyone already thinks he's crazy so It doesn't really matter. Maybe he doesn't want sympathy? I get woken out of my thoughts by Klay swiping me into a janitors closet.
" What the hell Klay?"

"Why do you have those pills Ayesha?" He asked me.

"I didn't take them they fell out of Stephens backpack"

"You can't tell anyone, he's really mad about it and he's gonna act out, really bad today. He only took one and if you only take one it messes with you." Klay said.

" so he has ADHD, and Dyslexia?" I asked.

" yeah he does, the only reason they found out is because he got worried he couldn't read something on his phone and couldn't focus on the words more than usual. He never could really focus on shit but he never thought anything of it" Klay said.

"Oh so is that why he's acting out today? Because he's always acting out but it seems like more than usual" I asked concerned.

"Yeah he's going crazy today, those pills need to be taken 2 at a time." I started to get concerned of what the day held. I had all the same classes with Steph. So I definitely had to watch out for the guy I hate with all my heart.

" ight imma g-" Klay gets cut off talking by the distance sound of Stephen yelling at someone.

We run out the closet to see Stephen at his desks having a fit about something.
" Ma'am I already FUCKING told you I'm not reading that shit, what the fuck don't you understand. Goddamn your a idiot!" Stephen yelled.

" Stephen its a requirement, I'm sure you can read it just fine" Ms. Black kindly responded.

" Fuck off you bitch, you can't make me do shit. Can you just write me up already so I can leave this hell hole?" Stephen replied. I was so surprised everyone was cheering him on and encouraging him.

"Stephen I'm not writing you up, you have more potential than that!" She responded.


Klay walked up to Steph saying something in his ear causing him to calm down. He was still pissed but he finally calmed down.

"Are you finished Mr. Curry?"

" sure, I'm still not reading" he responded .

" ok we can try some other time."
I was dumbfounded what is up with this dude. I wanted to talk to him. But he doesn't even like me so I should just forget about him and go back to the way things were. There was only one seat left. Next to Stephen fucking Curry. Ugh.
" Hey wassup" he said while tapping his fingers on the table 2,000 times a second. It was getting annoying so I asked him to stop.

" hey um can you stop? It's really distracting" I asked calmly.

" nah,it helps me keep calm" he bluntly responded.

"Oh and here's your pill things you dropped on the bus." I asked said while handing him his pills.

" FUCK YOU, YOU SLUT" He yelled at me while taking his pills and quickly stuffing them in his backpack.

" what did I do?!?"
He stormed out of class slamming the door. Everyone started saying "Damn Steph is a king" and " we need more people like Stephen"
About 10 minutes later he came back with hickeys on his neck and shit. Is this nigga serious?

" yo Steph you got that good good?"

"Hell yeah bro fucked the shit outta that hoe" Steph responded while sitting back next to me.

" hey what I miss?" He asked as if he didn't just- nevermind.

"Stephen don't just blow up at me and call me a slut and act like nothing happened."

" shut up bro, i don't give a fuck. I'm just tryna go home." He bluntly responded.

" oh" I simply responded.
About 5 minutes later Stephen shakes me to ask a question.

" Ayesha" he whispered.

"Yes, what do you need?" I asked.

" what does this sentence say?" He asked while point to the sentence " Julie had no idea what was happening, she was dumbfounded." I looked at him like he was dumb.

" I can kinda read it but it's kinda moving around" he added on.

" are you serious" it just slipped out my mouth. I regretted saying it.

"Yeah I'm for real" he said seriously.

" it says " Julie had no idea what was happening, she was dumbfounded." I whispered to him.

" oh ok thanks" he kindly responded.

" no problem" I said while we quickly went back to resign separately.

I continued reading just to get interrupted by Stephen again, and again, and again. I decided I should just ask to read it to him outside, because he obviously couldn't read it. And I didn't want to keep disturbing the class. " Ms. Black May me and Stephen read this text outside in the hall?" I politely asked.

" yes you can, thank you" She quickly responded like she knew why.

I look over to see Steph still trying to read it. He's so pathetic.
" Ight come on, I'll read it to you outside." I whispered. So only me and him could hear.

" ok thanks" he said.
We went in the hall and I started reading to him. He was trying to read along but he was getting frustrated so he just threw the book and put his hands in his head.

" yo what's wrong?" I asked

" do you really want to know?" He asked.

Then he leftWhere stories live. Discover now