Chapter 1

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"Fuck me" I groaned to myself. It was 6:00am, and the first day of senior year. I hate school so much, I literally have no friends. Ever since my bff Remi started dated Klay over the summer she doesn't talk to me anymore like we used too. I'm not mad though, that's my bff and she seems genuinely happy so I'm happy I guess.

" Ayesha wake up! Your going to be late and I'm leaving in 10." My mom yelled.

" alright I'm coming, but can dad take me? I replied.

" get your ass up! Your dad left for work and I'm not gonna be late for your tired ass! It's that damn phone!" She yelled clearly annoyed.

" alright" I bluntly replied. Trying not to have a argument I know I'm not going to win.

I get up taking a quick 10 min shower doing my hair simple as always and getting my clothes. I decided on a yellow pullover shirt, with light blue ashed jeans with tiny rips. I decided last minute to flat iron my hair real quick, just wanted to look decent without a basic ass bun.
I looked at the time I was late. I have 2 minutes till the bus left me. I grabbed my book pack and ran out the door. I realized I actually had about 10 minutes until my bus came so I just sat outside on my porch. I found it so peaceful there.

" Ma I'm not taking that shit, I don't like it!, I already took one" I heard my annoying ass neighbor Stephen curry yell. Did I forget to mention Stephen Curry is my fucking neighbor. I hate it so much, because I hate him so much. He's so cocky and full of himself and everyone just gasses him up.

" Baby I know but you need it. I know they are new and you aren't used to them but you need them to get better." Followed by a pathetic          " Please baby" His mom replied to Stephen. What was she making him take? I don't know but it sounds serious. But it's not my business.

"I said no. You can't make me take that bull. I don't give a fuck what a doctor says, he doesn't know me and what I need" he yelled back making me turn my full attention to the conversation. Damn. Sum shit is going on.

"Wardell I know you don't want to take it, but I'm telling you I've seen such a change in you that day you took it." She pleaded.

" NO I HATE YOU GUYS YOU DONT UNDERSTAND YOUR JUST LIKE THE DOCTORS!" He yelled in a very loud and hurt tone. Surprisingly I felt really bad for him, whatever it was really strikes a nerve with him. It's obviously very sensitive for him.

"Fine Wardell, when you start acting out and being bad at school I'm not picking your ass up. Your walking home." She gave in.

"Thanks ma, Love you" He have her a kiss.
What the hell. He was just screaming at her now he's happy again? Sum is really going on in the curry house. I want to find out but again it's not my business.
I sat back down still trying to understand what happened.
"Yo Ayesha wassup!!?" Stephen yelled at me. I tried to ignore him until he came up to me and shook my shoulder.

"The fuck you want curry?"I asked annoyed.

"What the fucks up your ass today" he asked while laughing.

" I don't know what's so funny, stop talking to me and keep yelling at your mom" I said, a second after regretting what I said. It was a sensitive subject for him and I should've came up with a different come back. He stopped walking and laughing.

"Your a bitch, I was tryna be nice. You don't know the full story so shut the fuck up." I definitely found my silence, because I knew i was in the wrong so there's no point of arguing.

" why were you mad then?" I asked quietly.

" don't fucking worry about it. You wouldn't understand anyway, your probably just like the rest." He said very clearly and bluntly.

"What do you mean "like the rest of them" what's up with you?" I asked.
I'm a very caring person. I hate him but he's clearly having personal issues and I want him to be able to talk to me, for some weird reason. I know if I was struggling like he was I would want someone to check up on me and talk to me.

"Your gonna tell people, and I don't want that. It's not your problem it's mine. So leave me alone please" he lowly responded.

"Stephen don't get it twisted I really hate you, but your clearly going through sum and you can talk to me, I won't even tell Remi" I responded while rubbing his back. I expected him to give in already.

"NO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE I HATE YOU" He yelled in a very scary tone that kinda scared me and caught me off guard. Something is really off with him he's acting out, like his mom said. But Stephen is always loud and rude , he's the stereotypical popular guy. But for someone who's known him his whole life, this isn't him.

"Stephen calm down, I know your mad for some reason so talk to me when your not mad anymore.

"Just stop" he said almost at a whisper.
I felt so bad for him. He seemed sad, like really sad.
"Can everyone just stop trying to fix me, I am who I am. And they are all starting to make me not like who I am." He said at the same whisper tone. Well damn. Now I regret every time I called him mean  names or bad shit. I didn't know what to say so I just stayed quiet until our bus came.

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