Chapter 4

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Ayesha's POV
3 weeks later.
These past weeks have been really good. Me and Stephen have gotten so close, it almost scares me. I've noticed him getting a lot better with reading and being able to do work. What I find the most stressful in our weird relationship is he just doesn't get that when I'm talking he has to listen. We are in a fight right now because I was talking to him about how my real dad left us at a young age and how it's really affecting me nowadays. Mostly because of how I will be getting married in like 10 years or so. And he won't be there because he wants nothing to do with me.
Flashback (1 day ago)
"It just really gets me down you know? I love my stepdad he's been with me my whole life but it's always in the back of my mind how my real dad isn't actually there." I sadly said
" and I don't want to seem ungrateful for not having a biological dad because there's some kids who don't even have a father figure period. But still it's sad, that he would just leave me and my mom. It hurt me so much, not the fact that he left his own daughter but the fact he would hurt my mom so much. She was crying in my arms for days and I hate my dad for doing that to my mom" I added now fulling crying. I look over to Steph only to see him staring off into space and slightly chuckling to himself. "What the fucks so funny Wardell? You piece of shit!" I yelled while getting up from my position on my bed.

" what are you talking about? I don't understand what your trying to say about your dad tbh. And whatever your talking about isn't funny i guess if it's making you cry. I was thinking about the time Klay and I were playing basketball and he fell on his ass!" He said while busting out laughing.
Was he fucking serious?

"Stephen I just told you my whole life story and your thinking about that what happened with Klay" I yelled raging.

"Ik I'm sorry I keep thinking of different things but just repeat yourself it's not that big of a deal" he nonchalantly said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Leave now Wardell, and don't come back if you can't focus the first time!" I softly said while tears streaming down my face.

"Are you really being this extra? Get tf over you daddy issues. Your grown now, grow tf up you a whole ass bitch" he said. After that statement he immediately covered his mouth and his eyes widened like when you accidentally say something smart to your mom and you know you fucked up.
Stephen's Pov
Oh shit. What the fuck did I just do????!? I didn't mean to say that shit she's gonna kill me. She stood there looking at me like I had 5 heads. Next thing you know she's running at me with her fist balled up.

"You lil fuck nigga, I hate you go fuck off you fuck nut" she yelled while pushing me to the ground and kicking my stomach. I was just gonna let her take her anger out on me because tbh it felt like she was tickling me. She's weak asf no cap!

" I didn't mean it like ish!! I'm sorry" I apologized.

"Fuck you and your sorry ass apology, your a fuck nigga and should've never fell for you. Your just a jock, I thought you were different. Jocks don't have girlfriends they get easy ran through hoes to fuck and dip! I'm never gonna give you that so just leave and never talk to me ever again!!!" She yelled. I was low key hurt, I thought she knew I was really tryna be with her. She threw my back pack out of her window and opened the door to her room, signaling for me to leave I did as suggested and left. I hear her slide down her door and start crying. I felt so bad and she hasn't talked to me since.
Ayesha POV
Honestly ever since me and Steph stopped talking I've been good. Like really good. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed Stephens company but he's a really confusing guy, one second he's clingy then he wants to be independent. I met this guy though his name is Ben Simmons. He's so fine, and he's so tall and sweet. He seems like the ride or die type of nigga and I'm really digging it. But idk how Steph is gonna react because me and Ben are getting really close, like really close and I'd rather be around Ben than Steph tbh. I get tooken out of my thoughts by Ben coming up to my locker and greeting me.

"Hey ma" Ben said while hugging me making me blush so hard.

"Heyy what's up?" I asked.

" nun just tryna walk you to class" He sweetly said while carrying my books and putting his hand on my back.

"Well thank you my Prince" I said while laughing.

" I think that deserves a kiss....... on the cheek of course" he said while laughing after seeing my face.

"Fine Benjamin" I said while jumping up to kiss him, did I forget to mention this dude is 6'3"We walked to class and he stopped at the doorway and he handed me my books and planted a kiss on my cheek. Ugh my knees went to jello no lie. Until I felt a pair of eyes on me. And they belonged to Stephen curry. I walked in to my seat to be followed by Stephen piercing and hypnotizing green eyes.

" what the fuck was that Ayesha Alexander?" Stephen asked in all seriousness.

"Stephen we aren't dating I can kiss whoever I want, you aren't the one running this shit" I bluntly said looking down at my paper.

"Ayesha I said I was sorry what the fuck else do you want?" He said as I noticed his hand shaking. I read somewhere that sometimes people with ADHD have hand tremors when they are really mad or about to act out due to all the adrenaline.

"I'm sorry I couldn't fucking focus on you, Ight?I'm fucking sorry I was outta pocket and said some disrespectful shit. I'm fucking sorry." He was now yelling at me and the whole class was putting their full un dividend attention on us.
Stephen was starting to scare me how angry he was.

"Stephen Be quiet everyone's looking. Did you forget to take your medicine?" I whispered.

"Fuck the meds ion give a single fuck. You tryna be petty huh? I'll give you fucking petty. Shit we really all done let's just both forget everything we ever had. I really fucking hate you, we can't even talk, your just gonna run away because I was being outta pocket. You told me that I couldn't scare you off ,look at you now. You really are just like the rest. From the bottom of my fucked up ass heart fuck you!" He yelled than stormed out the class. After he left a bunch of girls were saying " finally I can get him" and " I'm glad he's single now" wth he thought we were dating? And " oof he told her" and shit like " that hoe" . Since Steph was the most popular guy everyone automatically sided with him and I became the bad guy and a hoe. Next thing you know Stephen comes storming in the class with Ben. He was holding him up by his hands and his collar. Ben had a bloody nose and a busted ass lip. What the he'll did Stephen do to this man!?!?

"Mr. Curry what are you doing with Ben?" Ms. Black yelled.

"Ben now do as I say. Repeat after me. " I will never talk to Ayesha Marie Alexander ever again" Stephen ordered. I was terrified and shocked boys were cheering Steph on and shit. Ben wasn't speaking so Stephen put him up against the wall and started punching him.

" I -(punch)- will- (punch)- never- (punch)- talk- (punch)- to- Ayesha ever again" he managed to say in between his beating.
" Ight good" Stephen said while dropping Ben to the floor and pushing him outside the room with his foot and calmly closing the door.
" yo Steph what the actual fuck is wrong with you?" Klay asked.

"Nun bro" Steph replied While sitting down. Everyone started cheering for him and clapping. Girls were screaming his name and shit. Steph sat there finishing his work as if nothing happened.....

Then he leftDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora