Chapter 5: Her First Combat

Start from the beginning

Tai Lung panted, anger surging through him. A girl like her managed to lock him down, and he's not happy about it, not one bit. His teeth bare as the leopard growls at her.

Kira's bleeding became quite heavy and she knew she must go back now to not pass out in the forest where this man can end her life before her blood loss does. The girl ran to the forest, leaving the leopard in the woods.

Tai Lung sneered at her, cursing at her in the distance until she's out of sight. He breathes deeply, controlling his tail to find the right nerve to unparalyze his legs. 'You'll regret not finishing me.'

Crane had successfully arrived after a long flight, crashing in a heap. Shifu and Po are luckily at the courtyard, and the master quickly came to their aid.

Po was shocked and a bit frightened at the sight of his idolized kung fu team, "They're dead?! No, they're breathing! They're asleep?! No, their eyes are open!"

He struggles to lift his haid, saying, "We were no match for his nerve attack."

"He has gotten stronger." he said as he unparalyzed Mantis first. Shifu feared for the worst to come, and it's obvious that this former student of his had been storing strength from those years in the prison.

"Who? Tai Lung? Stronger?" After finally claiming the weight of being the dragon warrior, Po's luck had turned around as Master Shifu finally had the decency to train the chosen kung fu warrior. After only a few hours of intense training, the panda finally learned kung fu and learned some dignity, as it is not all fun and games anymore. He's going to have to face the enemy any hour now.

Shifu freed Monkey, continuing his paused attack which unfortunately, Po received as a punch on the face, "He's too fast!--sorry, Po." immediately apologising to the panda. He glances towards the gate, in hopes for someone to appear there at the moment.

"I thought we could stop him..." Tigress stated regretfully from endangering her colleagues.

"He could've killed you."

"Why didn't he?" asked Mantis to their master.

"So you can come back here and strike fear into our hearts. But it won't work!" Shifu then works to unparalyzed Viper.

Po started fidgeting, getting anxiety in more seconds that passed by, "I'm, it might--I mean.... a little.... I'm pretty scared"

Monkey suddenly interrupts them on the topic, "She isn't back yet...."

"Who?" the master asks.

Crane replied to their curiosity, "Po's sister."

"Kira was with you guys?!" Po is really scared now. Something must've happened to her by now.

"I think she followed us up to the bridge. She only showed up when Tai Lung wasn't around anymore," Viper stated, also worrying about her at the moment. If Tai Lung had gotten to her, she would've had the same fate as them.

"Was it...really Kira?" Po had doubts, and he wants to doubt it, he want to believe that she's safe at home right now or has gone back to culinary academy.

"Tai Lung didn't intend to leave Crane unparalyzed. We all were attacked. We would've stayed there for a long time if it weren't for her, " Tigress says, clutching her bruised arm.

"Luckily she knew how to undo mine, but that's all Kira knew and just decided that we should go back here for help," Crane limply stood up, trying to balance himself on his skinny legs. "I hadn't spot her since I flew back to the valley."

Shifu could feel the evil aura coming more and more closer, 'it is time...' His eyes reverts back to Po, "You can defeat him, panda."

"Are you kidding?! If they can't ----they're five masters. I'm just one me," this responsibility is too much for him to handle for such a critical situation.

"But you will have one thing that no one else does--"

"Guys! Help!" Monkey shouted from the stairs, he seems to be carrying someone on his back, and the panda knows so well who it was even from a distance.

"Kira!!!!!" he runs down the stairs towards his sister, surprisingly not tripping like before. "Oh my gosh, you're bleeding! Don't die on me!"

"Shut it, Po," the girl breathed heavily. She already lost a lot of blood from forcing herself to come here to see if her brother is alright, and also hiding from civilians. Her dad doesn't have to see her in such a wreak.

Monkey steadily climbs up the stairs, feeling her blood oozing out to his side. 'She must've fought with Tai Lung along the way, its truly a mystery why she's still alive at this point....'

They've brought her to an infirmary of the Palace, though no doctor are around, Shifu stayed there and shoed everyone away to tend her wounds first in priority. She couldn't speak nor scream at the pain that seemed to travel down her body. The kung fu master had already bandaged her sides, then goes for her arms next.

Kira gulped down through her dried throat, trying to make the words come out of her tongue, "Thank you..... Master Shifu..."

"No, thank you for saving them. It must've been terrifying to see and meet such an opponent," he hesitantly says while finishing up bandaging the girl. "Tell me, why were you there? You've put yourself in danger."

"I actually have no idea...." it's true, Kira didn't even think for a second before following them. Mr. Ping may have been so worried by now.

"And these wounds," he eyed the bandaged claw marks that had cut deep into her flesh, "Are they Tai Lung's?"

".... Yes. I tried to stall him so that Crane could get far away before he catches them."

"That is very stupid, and brave of you. I can see how you are Po's sister, but I don't see any resemblance at all," his eyebrow raised as he is already correct with his random guess of her. "How come you got past him? I know that if it were a normal person, they would've died already."

"I've...." Kira knew it might cause trouble for her if the academy knows about what she's about to say next, but eyes seemed enough to push the words out of the girl's mouth, "..... been training in Zhoujing..."

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