The calm before the storm

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The months seemed to go past as fast as seconds went past on a clock. It felt like time just wouldn't stand still. Everyday there were appointments, meet ups, jobs to be done; Alison still ended up moving in and taking the spare bedroom in the house and in turn, had random guys stay over the odd night. Simon also ended up moving in as well, only he didn't need the spare bedroom , he slept in Charlie's bedroom that soon became their bedroom. Along with this came Sickboys obsession to be close to Charlie through out anything. She needed the bathroom? He'd be there. She needed to get a glass of water? He be in the kitchen before her. In a way it was sweet; he wanted to look after her and take care of her and the baby, however it had also become very annoying. To charlie and to his friends. Sickboys friends didn't know about Charlie and they never got introduced. His friends didn't know about the baby or what had happened, so for them it had just seemed like he couldn't be bothered to hang out with them anymore. Renton had his suspicions,  he knew about Sickboys one night stands with Charlie, but that's all he knew. He could only guess that there was something else that was going on there that they weren't telling everyone. And for Charlie, it was a completely different story. She had become so independent in her years alone and just go so used to it that she was used to doing stuff by herself. So when Sickboy started doing everything for her and started taking over, she didn't know how to cope. She didn't mind it to begin with, she actually liked it and though it was sweet. She liked the occasional drink brought to her and liked that he would do stuff for her. But when her bump grew and became more visible, it had become stupid. Sometimes she just wanted to do something in peace and do it herself but Sickboy was always there, as bad as it sounded he was around like a bad smell. No matter how many times she told him she could do stuff by herself, he would always go back to the same ways no less then an hour later, like what she said never meant anything. She understood that he was getting protective, but it just got stupidly silly in the end.
           She finally ended up snapping when she was eight months along. It was just another random Tuesday for them, Alison was out at work for the evening and they had just settled down on the sofa just in time to catch a re-run of 'on the buses'. It was getting harder and harder for Charlie to find a comfortable position with how big she had gotten, but by the time the first advert came up she had finally settled in a comfortable position, with her back leaning against Sickboys torso and naturally Sickboys hand resting on her bump. And of course as it goes for pregnant women, as soon as she got settled she needed the toilet. She huffed, annoyed at the timing, but hardly surprised at this point as that had basically become the routine for the last few months. Charlie slowly tried to drag herself up, but before she had even gotten on her feet, Sickboy pounced down her throat.

     'What's wrong? What do you need?' He said as soon as she started moving. She rolled her eyes, slowly getting herself up trying to ignore his questions. However as soon as she got up, he was there up by her side. She felt bad for getting annoyed, but honestly at this point it's all she could get. Not only with all the hormones going through her, but him being a shadow to Charlie just got her irritated.

    'Is everything okay? Is the baby okay?' He questioned again trying to get something out of her.

    'I'm fine!' She snapped waddling away from him to the bathroom.

    'No your not, what's up?' He followed up as he walked behind her. She got to the bathroom and before he could get into the room, she had shut the door on him. To Sickboy, it just seemed like there's was something going on, so without thinking he began to rapidly knock the door asking Charlie to open up. He heard the toilet flush and started to worry a little less, realising she had just needed to go to the bathroom, but that didn't mean he had to stop with the questions.

   On the other side of the door, Charlie sat on the toilet seat, trying to find the strength to get back up and go out to Sickboys relentless questioning. She knew he was just trying to be careful and look after her and the baby, but honestly at this point she had had enough and just wanted him to shut up. Not even 2 minutes had passed, before Charlie had snapped and pushed herself up and violently opened the door, ready to shout at Sickboy for not just leaving her alone for 2 minutes. Sickboy was waiting for her behind the door, smiling at her. He went to open his mouth but got interrupted before he could even say anything.

   'No! You don't get to ask me another question for at least 1 hour' Charlie shouted to him, trying to get passed him, but it was no use, she wasn't as skinny as she had been 8 months ago.

   'What do you mean?' He asked her confused on what she was saying, not understand why she was shouting.

   'Really? For the past few months all you've been able to do is follow me around like a shadow!' She started, finally pushing past him. Sickboy knew it was the end of her rant, so he stayed quiet readying himself for what she had to say next.

   'At first it was cute, but it's just annoying now, I don't need you following me every five minutes and not even letting me go to the toilet in peace!' She finished off with a huff, looking back around to him, to make sure he was listening 5o everything. When she looked around, all she saw was an amused Sickboy, which ended up making her more pissed. However, her feelings where soon over run by something more. The more she looked at Sickboy the more she felt a deep set pain in her lower abdomen. She took a deep breath and lowered herself to the sofa trying to regain some sort of composer. Sickboy noticed that she had strangely gone quiet, and saw pain on her face and soon run up to her side on the sofa, concerned about what was going on.

   'Charlie? What's wrong?' He asked her, ignoring what she had said earlier on about not asking any more questions. He felt Charlie's hand grab his as he was concentrating on her face and trying to understand what was happening.

  'Just a couple pains' she replied after a while, once the pain had gone. She looked up to Sickboy once more and for some reason couldn't find the same anger she had once had before. When she looked up all she could see was Sickboys concerned face that ended up breaking through to Charlie. She couldn't stay mad at him after all of this, yes she had a right to be angry, but at the end of the day all he wanted was to make sure that she was okay and that the baby was okay. She blamed it on the hormones once again and within seconds was reassuring Sickboy as they settled once again on the sofa. It was only once she had got comfortable again that she felt the same pain as before. It was slightly more intense then last time, sending pains all along er stomach, but Charlie didn't think much of it; she was there thinking it was just Brixton hicks, trying to prepare for what was to come next month. So she moved slightly trying to get the pain to go away and leant against Sickboy, trying not to let on that she was in pain once again. This was the calm before the storm and little did either of them know that they were in for a stressful night and this wasn't the last of it all.

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