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Since that day, both sickboy and Charlie has not been able to think about anything other then each other. They didn't know what to think; they liked being in each others company, and sure there was good sex, but surely they couldn't be falling for each other, right? It had been two month since they had met, they days merged into weeks, then months - the two months had gone by in a matter of moments for them both and unsurprisingly they had kept on 'bumping' into each other by 'accident'. For the two of them, the supposedly one night stand had turned into something more. Something unexpected. Late night phone calls turned into early mornings messages; a fun night, turned into waking up in each other arms, with their clothes from the night before screwed up in a pile on the floor. They had also 'accidentally' bumping into each at various clubs, turning up with friends, to then go home with each other and spend the whole night with each other. On the occasion they had gone home with each other, only to end the night cuddling on the sofa in front of the tv. A couple weeks before, Charlie wasn't feeling too good at the club, so Sickboy had decided to take her home and look after her, all the while trying to deny the fact that he had started to have feelings towards Charlie, the girl he had yet to know her name.

They had learned quite a lot about each other in the two months, however sick boy had come to call charlie his 'mysterious girl' after he was denied the privilege of knowing her name after asking her countless times to give it up. They had talked to each other about there lives outside of each other, but never really mentioned anything that personal. They knew each others favourite film, but if they were asked what there siblings names were, they wouldn't have a clue. Sickboy had mentioned his friends once before, but apart from that all they knew about each other was what their favourite colour, film, book and animal were. The things you ask on a first date. They knew enough about each other, but not anything personal.

It was a quiet night. Nothing out of the ordinary. That's how their nights always start. Charlie had just come home from work for the weekend, having long shifts the whole week, she was finally able to put her feet up. She had planned on just having a quiet night in for the first time in a long time. Maybe even spend the whole weekend in. Her 4 year old dog didget came bounding up to her as she come through the door, and greeted her with a wagging tail and a few licks to the hand as she stroked him and said hello to him. She stood up from stroking didget and giving him a good scratch behind the ear, before kicked the door shut with her foot, putting her bags down on the floor and collapsing on the sofa in her flat. Her place wasn't massively big and wasn't flashy, but she loved it all the same. She had earned the money to pay for the flat all by herself and she had worked her ass off to make it like it was now and she was proud of herself. It was cosy, it had everything she loved under one roof and she was no longer living in a shitty house with about 10 other people in the centre on London. At least now, if she needed to get up in the middle of the night to use the toilet, she would find some smack head making out with someone she had never seen before. it was pure bliss to live by herself and she was loving every moment of it.

After a couple minutes of mindlessly watching whatever was on the tv, she got herself up off of her ass and made her way to her room, picking up her comfiest outfit to lounge about in. She closed the curtains to make sure no perv could see her changing, and shrugged off her uncomfortable work clothes. She shoved on some old jogging bottoms and a top that seemed five times to big for her; ironically enough it was one of Sickboys tops that he had left at her place a couple nights before. She made her way back into the living room and went directly to the side table, grabbing the home phone, she called up for a pizza delivery deciding to have a movie night with pizza followed by a bath and some chocolate. A pamper night of sorts. She had had a long day at working, a long week at that, so she used that as an excuse to not go out and stay in and giving herself some love for a change, saying that she had earned this to herself. When in actual fact this is how every Friday night went, the only difference was that she always ended up going out afterwards. She would come home from work, decide to have a night in, until her home phone rang, it either being Sickboy or one of her friends asking her to come out; she would reluctantly go and the next morning wake up with a hangover. And for the last couple months, always ended up coming home with Simon, either for a hook up or just to spend time with each other. She shook those thoughts away, knowing damn straight that there was nothing going on between them, and that they were just there for each other when they got lonely and was feeling horny. As brutal as it sounds, that's all it was. Or at least that's what she was trying to convince her. Sometimes it work and other times she would think too much of it and scare herself from fear of commitment.

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