brick wall

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As spring came to an end, the days started getting longer on the lead up to summer. The weather started brightening up and so did peoples spirits. Everyone's that is, bar Charlies. It had been at the very least 3 weeks, maybe even a month since she realized she had missed her period twice and this month counts as the third month in a row now. Sickboy was growing worried for Charlie, she ended up staying indoors most of the time, and started to look different. He didn't know if it was a good difference or a bad difference. He didn't know if it was because she had gone back on the drugs or not. She told him that in the past she had struggled with an addiction, and by the way she was acting it would make sense. She never changed out of the same clothes either which would be another point towards her going on the skag. What he didn't realize is that those clothes that she carried on wearing on her back are the only clothes that fitted her and the only ones baggy enough to hide the weight that she had ended up putting on. Every other top had become tight on her and her trousers became ill fitting around the waist. She still hadn't taken the test that lay in her coat pocket. She knew what it was going to say, but she was scared to actually face the truth. Charlie knew at some point she was going to have to do something. She couldn't just sit there are do nothing. She was sure Sickboy was going to notice something when the 9th month hit and there was a massive ballon sized bump hiding under her jumper.

Charlie was sitting in her usually seat on a regular Wednesday morning unaware of what the days events were going to hold for her. There was a knock on the door, looking around she got herself up from the sofa, moving towards the door and answered the door to Sickboy smiling at her. 

'Mornin'' Sickboy bellowed as he waltzed past her getting comfortable in her flat. She closed the door, humming a hello to him as she sat back down where she was. Sickboy noticed her slumping over where she sat, not saying a word to her as he just watched. He noticed that she was looking a little chubbier in the cheeks and that her skin wasn't actually all that bad. Usually when your on the skag you get kind of bad skin, like acne but worse. But Charlie didn't have any of that, her skin was clear and in a way glowing.

'Well it can't be skag' Sickboy thought to himself, trying to go through all the options there were left. He came to two conclusions, it was either a medical thing or she just wasn't thinking as much about what she was eating. Although the later, he thought was a bit weird, but he didn't know what girls were like. Or she might of not been eating for a reason. Maybe she was turning into one of those sick people he had seen on the tv! Or maybe he was over thinking it all to much. He mentally face palmed realising how stupid he was being. He didn't want to mention anything like that though in fear of upsetting her. He was going through all the conversation starters that could bring up the topic of how shes been acting recently. He really didn't know what to bring up or how to start the conversation. Lucky enough for him, it was Charlie who started the conversation.

'Whats wrong? what you thinking about?' She piped up from her corner of the sofa.

'You' He simply replied looking up to see a smile on her face, before it got replaced with her confused expression.

'I've just been a bit worried, you haven't been yourself lately.' He told her, whilst giving her a sympathetic look.

'I don't know what your on about' she quietly said, looking down to her hands in her lap.

'Yes you do, you've just been acting weird recently - if you on the skag again, just tell me... hey we can even do it together' He joked with her trying to not make a big deal out of the situation. He thought maybe making it light and joke-like maybe she'd feel happy and confident in telling him what was wrong.

'Its not skag' She quickly said not taking her eyes off of her hands. This took him by surprise and made him worry more.

'Well then what is it?' Sickboy pressed. Charlie said nothing; she kept her eyes glued to her hands unsure of what to say or do. She wasn't communicating with him and didn't let on with what was going on. He was trying to be as comforting as he could, but with her not saying anything back, he was slowly giving up.

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