Magic Overdose

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Lucy's POV

Everything went blank.

As I started regaining my senses, a bright light came to view.

No, I wasn't dead.

A bright white ceiling filled my line of vision.

I sit up, looking at the empty room around me.

Well, there is one person in here with me.

A young, hickory-haired nurse turns to me.

"Ah! You're awake!" She says with a wide smile.

"I'll go let your guild mates know they can come in."

The nurse turns to the door, leaving for a short period of time.

When she returns, Team Natsu follows quickly behind her.

"Lucy!" Happy calls, tears in his eyes.

I give the blue exceed a hug.

The team sits in the chairs next to my bed.

The young nurse sits on her rolling stool, looking at her clipboard.

"She appears to have passed out due to an unusual amount of magic power residing in her body. Her body had to rest because it was at its limitation."

This never happened before.

Was my dragon slayer magic the cause of this?

"So it was like some kind of magic overdose?" Gray asks.

"Yes, I suppose something like that." The girl replied.

A small silence fills the room.

"Don't worry. This is isn't exactly common, but it's not rare for wizards either."

My team sits there in silence once again, processing her explanation.

"I'll leave you all to chat for a moment." The nurse says, standing up.

My team looks to me.

"Maybe it's best we head back to Magnolia and work." Erza says.

I shake my head.

"I don't want to ruin everyone's vacation."

"Lucy, you're hurting yourself." Natsu adds.

I bite my lip guiltily.

"I-I can make it work. I'll find a way to use my magic here."

Erza sighs.


I nod.


I knew I'd have to work something out, but I'm not quite ready to tell them.

Maybe Loke could help me...

The hickory-headed nurse walks back in the room.

"Okay Miss Heartfilia, let's get you checked out and ready to go."

My three teammates get up.

"We'll meet you out there."

She helps me out of bed, handing me my clothes.

I change out of my gown and into my original clothing as she turns to her papers.

"Everything seems to be in order! Give us a call if something feels off, okay?"

I nod as she smiles towards me.

"Right down this way." The nurse points.

I make my way down the corridor.

When I reach the end, I open the white double doors, revealing the waiting room.

The entire guild was there waiting.

A sense of guilt arose back into my chest.

I dove back behind the double doors, summoning Loke.

"I heard what happened. Are you okay?" He asks immediately.

"I-I can't possibly tell them. I feel so guilty about it, but..."

He puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, one step at a time. Just go out there and let them know you're okay. We can talk about telling them later..."

I perk up.

"Thanks Loke."

He starts to fade away.

"No problem."

I walk through the double doors, retrying.

"Ah, Lucy!" Natsu calls.

I wave to the guild with a bright smile.

"Sorry to make you worry!"

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