Bruno Bucciarati x Fem Reader x Leone Abbacchio (Love Rising)

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"What?" He asked in annoyance.


"I want to go for a walk," You said while stepping into the hallway.

"No you're not, you're staying in your room." He protested.

"Look, I refuse to sit in there all day long and be lost in my thoughts!" You said while placing a hand on your hip.

Abbacchio grabbed hold of your arm.

"Ow!" You winced.

"You can play games with the other guys, but not me!"

Abbacchio was about to toss you back into the bedroom until you dug your heels into the wooden floorboards.

"C'mon, it'll be quick, you can even come with me to supervise!"

Abbacchio groaned and released you.

"Make it quick..."

You happily turned around and hurried after Abbacchio down the stairs and out the front door.

"We stay near the house, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure." You waved.

You took in a breath of fresh air and began to walk the grounds. You enjoyed the scenery while Abbacchio kept a few steps behind you.

"You know, conversation isn't so bad... You can walk along side me."

Abbacchio rolled his eyes and hurried beside you, "Better?"

He now stood next you, just barely blocking the sun. You couldn't really help but stare at his masculine features.

He's-He's actually kinda hot up close...

"Do you have a problem?" Abbacchio's deep voice spoke snapping you from your thoughts.


You and Abbacchio walked side by side around the house. He didn't really say much, in fact he was more stern than Bruno. He seemed serious about everything you attempted to ask.

His responses were vague. When you asked what was his favorite color, he responded with "Why do you care?" or when you asked what he liked to do for fun, he responded with "Stay out of my personal life."

You just wanted to make small talk that's all. You guessed that maybe you had to break down a few more barriers to get to the real Abbacchio. Good thing you had all the time in the world...


With an unsuccessful attempt at getting to learn more about the mysterious Abbacchio, you were back in your room. The sun had finally set and darkness cloaked the sky. Instead of having Bruno watch over you it was Fugo. Bruno was busy with some important mafia related business so he had to pass the responsibility on to someone else. You knew damn sure Abbacchio wasn't going to take to that mantle...

Further into the night you tossed and turned once more in bed. You couldn't sleep, you weren't sure if it was because of the atmosphere you were in or because the bed was still too damn stiff.

Bizarre OneShots (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin