You cheeted on me again

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Natsu's POV

I lit my figures so they can melt the chain while people where in front of us. I looked over at Lucy to see her still starring at her mom with surprise.

"You said you would leave my daughter out of this" She said

"Well I lied she is the main person I want and she's going to die in front of everyone so I can have Natsu to myself"Lissana smirks

"Im not going to be yours"I said fiercely just under a yell.

"Oh yes you will because once Lucy is gone I will have you all to my self"she said finally the chain melted so I told Lucy to stay still and then hers melted. I went to my right and melted Gray's chain. We attacked and when we did I took Lucy some and heard many people screaming.

"what about my mom"Lucy said looking back.

"Lucy, she was apat of their plan which means she is bad"she nodded

we ran to the guild when we entered a guy gave her a look and she smiled. I lookrd at her and once she noticed I was looking she turned away.

'What's going on'i thought when I went to ask her the boy had his arm around her.

"Hey babe"I heard him say.

"excuse me she's mine" I grabbed Lucy's arm and pulled her away from him.

"No she's mine"he grabbed her away from me. 'Wait is Lucy cheating on me'

"Luce, are you cheating on me"I asked hoping she would say no but she stayed quiet.

"oh I see"I walked to the guild doors looking back once before I started walking.

Happy's POV

Me and the rest of the guild were on our way to the guild when I saw Natsu walking away his bangs covering his eyes.

"Hey Natsu" He looks at me with tears.

"Lucy and her new boyfriend will tell you"he walks away faster.

"What does Natsu mean Lucy's new boyfriend"I asked Lucy

"I messed up"she says I nod.


*To Be Continued*

How do you think they will get threw it this time? What will Natsu do? Will they get back together or not?

How do tpy think Natsu and Lucy feels?


Natsu and LucyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant