In Heat(a new angaged couple)

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Lucy's POV

I ran out of my apartment as fast as I could I quickly made my way to Fairy Tail not bothering to look back. I panted heavily stopping looking around I peeked threw the door and saw Natsu. My eyes widens.

"Mira I need to hide in the attic, please" she nodded. I climbed a latter leading me to the womens cave. I know it sounds weird but it the only pace we can hide in case of emergency's and in my case its an emergency.

Flash Back

"Natsu you know there's a door"I said with annoyance.

"I know but I like going through the window"he wines

"why are you here"I asked

"I'm in....h-heat"he gulped. My eyes widened as I started walking backwards toward the door.

"Lucy don't start running please"he started walking slowly to my.

When I reached the door I ran as fast as I could to the guild.
End of Flash Back

I don't know what scared me but I know that I wasn't ready right this second. I have never been up here because I wasn't always in trouble or sad. I heardvloud bangs on the door. I looked under my feet looking at the trap door. I bent down struggling to lock it.

"Finally"I wispered but still heard baging but I was sorely mistaken. I jumped off and went through the window secretly hidden in the back of the guild. I made a big jump landing on my feet but they still hurt I fell to my butt panting.

"Luce"I looked up at the window I bounced to my feet and started running but Matsu put fire all around me I turned around over and over again.

"why me"I asked

"because I love you, when im sad you make my day brighter. Ahen im alone with yoy I get this amazing felling and when your not around im lonely. Your the only one who makes me happy"he jumped down and walked towards my and kneeled down my eyes widened.

"Lucy Heartfilia will you marry me?" I was shocked

"yes, yes I will marry you I tackled him he sliped a dimand ring on my finger and kissed me...

:)To Be Continued(:

I was so happy writing this chapter!!! I hope you liked it

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