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Do you guys remember when Natsu proposed to Lucy well it's going to pick up here.

Lucy's POV

I need to talk to Natsu. I walked around Magnolia searching for Natsu and found him at my house laying on my bed.

"Hey Natsu do you remember when you proposed to me"I asked

"Ya why"Natsu asked alittle shocked

"Well when do you want the wedding"I asked

"Umm how about in a month"Natsu says" By the way where is the ring"

"Oh I keep it inside my key holder"I pull it out and slip it on. I loved it so much. I lay next to Natsu and kiss him gently and stare at mine. I look at his hand.

"Where is yours"I ask

Natsu pulled it out of his pocket smiling then put it on.

"Lets never take these off"I say he nods and pulls me close.

"We should start planning"I say


After everything was planned... 2 weeks later

"Bye Natsu me and the girls are going shopping"I kiss his cheek then we leave.

"So when did Natsu propose to you"Levy asked excitedly

"Umm awhile ago I guess."

"What was it like"Juvia asked

"It was romantic"

"Can I see your ring"Erza asked and grabbed my hand revealing my wedding ring.

"So beautiful" I smile then we enter the wedding dress shop.

"Isn't your wedding a week away"Levy asked I nod.

I see alot of dresses. I found this one where it has dimong around the waist with sleeves. I try it on and decided it wasn't the best so I moved on threw two more dresses until I a dress with a dimond waistband, it was sleeveless, to my feet, and had lace starting at the waistband and down dragging one the ground. I bought that dress with a pair of white high heels. It was sipped up and in my closet with my shoes.

"Luceeee!"Natsu hugged me tightly.

"What's wrong Natsu"I asked

"You were gone to long"he stated and placed a soft kiss on my lips before laying down in my bed. I lay with him and then we fall asleep.

Wedding day

I changed into my dress and had Juvia and Erza do my make-up while Levy did my hair.

They smiled happily at me crying. I smiled to then heard my Que to go walking with my father but since he didn't come Gramps walked me using his tall power.

I turned the corner only to see Natsu's jaw drop. I giggle at smile.

Gramps left me to Natsu and couldn't help but let my eye's wonder. He was handsome.

Time skip

"Lucy do you"

"I do"

"Natsu do you"

"I do"

"You may now kiss the bride" I leaned in Natsu leaned in and we kissed. It felt magical the way oir lips touched. It was the best kiss ever. We pulled away smiling at each other.

Natsu walked me down the isle and we went to the reception and danced until it became dark.

Natsu's POV

Lucy was drop dead GORGEOUS. I couldn't believe it. I was surly the luckiest man who ever lived. I carried Lucy bridal style to the limo as we were off to our honeymoon. In the car Lucy fell asleep on my shoulders and I fell asleep on her head.

Lucy shook me and I noticed we were here. I grabbed her hand and led her inside before getting the luggage. Lucy changed into her pjs and jumped in my arms.

"I love you Natsu."

"I love you too Lucy"I set her down. We were hand in hand looking around the house. When we were done we decided to take a shower. Lucy didn't mind me in so we took one together. Her body was amazing seriously. I got heated right when I entered leading to having sex. It was fantastic. After that we went to sleep.

《To Be Continued》

Sorry it was short but I hoped you liked it! Please comment and vote.

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