weres Lucy

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Lucy's POV

"Hey Lucy" Natsu said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"Hi"I said back

"I have a mission"he said "do you want to come"

"Ummm sure"I said

"Okay let's go he said"and we went to our mission




At the mission




"Its quiet"I said looking around

"Ya so"Natsu said

I wonder how is he so calm at a place like his I thought





At our meeting place for the mission




It was violent and loud.

"Hey baby"Someone said and grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Natsu I was really shocked.

"Sorry but she's mine"Natsu said and pulled me into a hug

"Tch whatever"the man said and walked off. Natsu smirked and started walking again.

I giggled to myself. We went to a hotel to stay in when we got there I told Natsu I would be out for a little walk and the last thing I remember was being grabbed and seeing darkness

Natsu and LucyWhere stories live. Discover now