Really Really... or Maybe

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Can was standing inside the football locker room. With a gorgeous boy leaning over him. Can knew him, but he couldn’t not remember the boy’s name. He felt all kinds of emotions looking at the boy, shame, anger but also interest and a little bit of arousement. Can wanted to push the boy away but his arms wouldn’t listens. Before Can could say anything, the boy pulled him closer and kissed him, making Can’s eyes go wide. The left hand of the boy pulled Can’s football jersey out of his shorts. Can started to feel hot, his breath coming in gasps, making him breathless and weak at the knees. He closed his eyes, giving over to the boy’s touch and kisses. Can thought ‘This had happened before, right’ but he didn’t know when and were. Can felt the boy’s hand caressing his skin under his jersey, the other hand softly touching Can’s face. “You taste so good” The boy moaned into Can’s mouth. “Open your mouth wider, I want to taste your more.” Instead of pushing him away, Can just opened his mouth more, giving the boy access to his tongue. He wrapped his arms around the boy’s neck, pressing his body against the boy’s body. He opened his eyes to look at the boy, to see his reaction. But the boy eyes were still closed. Without opening his eyes, the boy chuckled and pulled away. “Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?” Can sounded breathless and he could feel his cheeks getting red. The boy’s had finally opened his eyes and they were full of lust. “You sound so sensual, your moans are making me crazy.”

Suddenly Can felt a sharp pain in his left arm. He tried to pull his arm away, but something was holding it in place. It was not the boy, since his hands were still on Can’s cheek and waist. Can could faintly hear people outside the locker room. ‘Is he going to be oke?. He’s been unconscious for 30 minutes now…. He got hit on the back of his head, really hard…. Did you notify his parents?....It’s just his mother and sister, his mother is on her way, she will be here soon…. I don’t know the full details. I was not looking his way when it happened. I can ask his friends, they came with him.” Can was confused, who were they talking about? He was curious, but he wanted to stay with this boy. A stranger that made him angry, but also weak in the knees with kisses. The voices were getting louder like they were walking to the locker room. ‘We think that he has a severe concussion. The ball might have hit the back of the head… we’ll have to do more test, but we’ll have to wait until he wakes up…. Let the nurse know when he wakes up….’ Now they sounded in front of the locker room. Thank you doctor… Please wake up…. Your mother is going to kill me….’

‘Doctor? Why is there a doctor outside the locker room, who got hurt? Who needs to wake up?’ Can really wanted to go outside, he wanted to know if any of his friends were hurt and if he could help in any way. He let go of the boy’s neck and sofly pushed the boy away. He started to walk to the door, but the boy grabbed his hand. “Please, don’t go. Don’t leave me here alone.” Can felt bad for the boy, but he really needed to go, he would never forgive himself, if he stayed. “Than come with me. I really need to help” The boy looked hurt and mad. “I can’t leave. Just go already” Can was confused, it was just the locker room. He walked to the door and before stepping outside, he looked back once more. The boy was still there, still looking hurt, but also very lonely. “I’ll just go look what is going on. I’ll be right back. So don’t look so sad.” Can gave the boy a smile, but the boy didn’t smile back. “Just leave like everybody else” Can wasn’t  sure, but he thought he heard the boy say these words. Can turned around and opened the door, stepped outside, he was blinded by the sunlight, making him close his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he was looking at a white ceiling. He heard beeping sounds and it smelled like disinfections soap. He tried to look around, but he was lying flat on his back. He also felt a sharp sting when he tried to move his head. “Oh God, Can… Are you awake, can you hear me…. Nurse!! Nurse, he is awake.” His senior Techno was looking at Can with tears in his eyes. “You gave us a big scare. I was so scared that you were dead. We tried to wake you up, but you wouldn’t open your eyes. Never do this again!” The doctor came walking in with Can’s mother and a nurse walking beside him. Can’s mother was crying, but looked relieved when she saw that he was conscious. The doctor asked Can about the year and date, he asked him to move his arms and legs to see if they were oke. “We’ll keep him here tonight to monitor his health and he’ll be discharged tomorrow, if everything is alright. Check on him every hour and after 8, you can check on him every 2 hours. Let me know if there are any complications” He had turned to the nurse. “Don’t worry, he is still young.” He turned to Can’s mother, he gave a bow and left the room. At the door Can could see his friends looking inside, they all looked worried and tense. The nurse checked on his IV and also left. “You can see him, but not all at the same time and just for 5 minutes.” She gave his friends a smile and walked away too.

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