The Lost Characters

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 I've been cleaning out my room to move. Which means sorting through a ton of papers. This one was dated June 17, 2012. It's a character list for what looks like was supposed to be a murder mystery. I don't remember anything about how this story was supposed to go other than what's written here. Interesting... Not that I need any more projects on my plate at the moment, but what do you guys think?


Character Overview

 Main Characters

Charles Tanner - The supposed murderer of the second murder of Chardon Point. He is currently serving a life sentence in jail. He is also the father of Titus and Skye Tanner.

Titus Tanner - Son of Charles Tanner and twin brother of Skye. A tall basketball player, he often pokes fun at Skye’s horseback riding. He has dark hair and eyes, and tanned skin. He has been struggling with depression since his father’s trial.

Skye Tanner - Son of Charles Tanner and twin brother of Titus. Skye rides horses and works at a local stable while making fun of his taller twin’s basketball skills. He may appear distant since his father’s trial. He has red hair and green eyes leading some to disbelieve his claim to be Titus’s brother.

Malia Baron - A camper at Chardon Point who likes to believe she is Sherlock Holmes. She suffers albinism and befriends the outcast Tanner twins and Tennyson Grey early in the summer.

Tennyson Grey - A quiet, nerdy, awkward boy who likes to write mystery novels and has already published one. His parents force him to go to camp where he comes face to face with the greatest mystery story ever invented. However, he is initially hesitant to aid Titus and Skye in proving their father’s innocence, but comes around.

  Supporting Characters

Greg Vincent - A camp bully.

Rob Harrison - One of Greg’s sidekicks

Abram Johnston - A camp counselor at Chardon Point.

Benjamin Jacobs - A camper at Chardon Point

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