Playing with Terrafirmacraft

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A/N: So I've been thinking. There's too much on my plate right now to take this one right now, but I wanted to get this down somewhere. So I don't forget.

 See, Etho and Chad have both just started up Terrafirmacraft series. I've really been enjoying them both so much that I got the mod myself and have been playing. It seems like the most common fanfic type around here is Minecrafters of various descriptions getting themselves stuck in the game through various means. I never thought I would do one like this. It just always seemed overdone when I could come up with new stuff, but then this idea hit.

 I may or may not actually write a whole story, but...


 Chad smoothed his iconicly colored hair and leaned back. It seemed like his computer had been running slow all day and he couldn't figure out why. It was extremely frustrating, though, to try and record.

 His computer crashed.

 "Well, that is the end of Terrafirmacraft for today," he sighed. He checked the clock and stood up. "Bedtime."

 The youtuber took just long enough to stop in the bathroom and brush his teeth before falling into bed. He could apologise to his viewers later.


 Chad woke with the sun in his eyes and a crick in his neck. He could have sworn he'd closed the curta- Grass? He closed his fist and pulled, uncurling his fingers before his eyes. Blades of grass came loose and fluttered to rest on his pants and the ground. He bushed himself up and stood up.

 This was not his house.

 Only a few feet from where he stood, the grass turned brown. Beyond that, the green all but disappeared. He spun around. A few small trees grew behind him, but he didn't recognise any of them.

 What in the world was going on?


 Arkas couldn't understand what was going on. He'd just wanted to record a Terrafirmacraft episode. Instead, he'd spent the past two hours just trying to get Minecraft to run. Finally he'd given up. He stared at the computer screen, his eyes already half-closed. It was late. He should go to bed, but he hated to admit defeat. The Dutchman was asleep before he knew it.


 Pakratt closed out Minecraft and headed for bed. He felt like he had only just closed his eyes when he was awake again. All he could see were blocks.

 The American sighed. If he found out that Etho and Seth had been playing games again...

 Well, at least he had learned how to play this game already.


 Etho quickly lashed the axe head to the stick and attacked the tree. Logs fell around him and the Canadian moved to gather them up. He saw the footprint when he stooped to gather the last of the logs.

 "What?" Etho traced the print with his eyes, quashing the urge to touch it. The foot pointed off to Etho's left. he didn't think much about it. He just set off following them.

 Even the mobs with shoes didn't have treads.


 Chad heard voices before he saw Pakratt and Arkas.

 "I have no idea what's going on. I just know how to survive," Arkas said.

 "Think anyone else is around?" Pak asked.

 "I know I am," Chad replied easily. He stepped out of his meager cover, startling the pair of MindCrackers.

 All three jumped though, when a fourth voice said behind them, "Then I guess that makes four of us. The question is: What are we going to do about it?" Etho had found the source of the footprints.

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