A Letter to My Readers

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 Hey, so, I just want to talk to all for a bit. And if I accidentally come off as snobbish or rude, I'm sorry. My only claim is that I have Asperger syndrome and words doen't always do what I want. I promise I'm not trying to claim that I think I'm the best writer in the world or anything.

 See, I'm very serious about my writing. It's fun, sure. I wouldn't do it if it weren't. But every time I sit down to write, either at a keyboard or with a notebook and pen, it's with one goal: To learn to be a better storyteller.

 That's why I started writing MindCrack fanfiction. It gave me a large cast of characters to draw upon, all with varied personalities. And I have tried, with some blatant disregard in my fairy tale retellings, to keep them true to themselves. Because I started writing fanfiction to practice keeping characters in character.

 It also allowed me to practice developing short plot lines with conflict, twists, and occasionally side plots.

 Recently I've moved on to character development. Meet Xavier. Several of you told me you liked him. I've glad to hear it!

 I want to explain all this so that the favor I'm about to ask will be understood. I write not only to try and tell a good story, I write to be a better writer and tell better stories in the future.

 Don't get me wrong. I'm as egotistical as the next writer. (And before you tell me you're not egotistical, what do you call sharing your writing with a bunch of total strangers because you think they'll want to read it? It's not a bad thing, it provides motivation. I'm still blown away by the number of reads on some of my books.) I love to hear that you guys are really excited about a chapter or that you love my writing.

 But it's not very helpful. Encouraging, but not necessarily constructive.

 I want to know what you love, not just that you love it. Did you connect with a character? Did I write a MindCrack in a way that just seems like something they would do? Did a plot twist catch you by surprise? Was something funny? Or sad? Or suspenseful?

 And, more importantly, I want to know what you don't love. I want to know where I contradicted myself, where a character did something completely out of character, whether oc or youtuber. I want to know if all the characters sound the same or if there's a major plot-hole.

 Because I want to get better. And I want to get better because, in my opinion, writing is 80% for the readers.

 I will understand if you're all too busy. I'm asking for a lot of thought to go into reading my stories. There's school and chores and work and people clamoring for you to update your own stories. But if you ever feel like helping me, I would really appreciate it.

 And don't take this the wrong way, I already appreciate all the support you've all given me since I started this craziness back in February.

 Thank you all for reading. I hope I can continue to write stories for you that you all enjoy. And thank you for writing stories that I love reading!

With much regard to you all,

Rook (Cat)

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