Chapter 6: First Day

Começar do início

She was deep in the depths of Chapter 12: Sorting Through Important Details of Prophethood 101 when she heard another knock. Elise answered it for her, revealing a very distressed looking Princess Cora, "Gen, it's a disaster."

"What's a disaster?"

"Father's home and he's furious at Liam," said Cora, falling backwards onto Gen's bed. "He punched the son of a lord."

"What," said Gen, eyes wide. A member of the royal family punched a lord's son? This had never happened before. "Why?"

"Who knows!" exclaimed Cora, throwing her hands in the air. "Poor Liam, he's grounded for a month and Father put him on patrol."


"Two guards have to be with him everywhere he goes," said Cora sitting up. "Even when you're sleeping and they have to stand outside when you're using the bathroom." She shivered. "It's the worst punishment imaginable."

Gen resisted rolling her eyes, "I don't know about that."

"It is," insisted Cora. "They report everything you do back to Father and he can extend your punishment period for doing the smallest of things- forgetting to say your prayers right as you lay in bed even if you hesitate for only a few seconds. And if you do something really bad-" She shook her head. "Father's already mad but if Liam makes him even more mad, he's marked."

Cora actually looked afraid which only worried Gen more. If your own daughter was scared of you, you'd have to be pretty intimidating. "I'm sorry," she said but she didn't know for what.

"Thanks but it's nothing I can control," said Cora. "Lunch is in a few minutes by the way."

"What?" yelped Gen, panic overtaking her. She had assumed she had only read for an hour or so and that lunch was still a long time away. "I'm not ready."

"You'll be fine," said Cora but even she didn't seem convinced. "Just be on your absolute best behavior and don't forget which fork to use." The latter was meant to make her smile but Gen was too afraid.

"I have a meeting with the king after lunch," said Gen fretfully. "What if I make a fool of myself? What if he fires me?"

"He won't."

"I haven't even been trained," said Gen. "He's going to be able to tell." He could find out about her curse. He's going to kill her.

"Gen," said Cora. "Calm down."

"I can't!"

Cora rolled her eyes and grabbed her by the arm, "Come on."

Gen reluctantly went with her.


King Alastair was sitting at the head of the table when they arrived. Cora shot her what was supposed to be an encouraging look and took her seat beside Queen Valeria.

The king was a stately man. He looked like a king straight out of the tales Mira and Gen had read as children. His hair was dark brown, his skin was bronze (darker than his children), and his eyes a sharp blue. He was older, yet he looked strong and healthy to the point where it was unnerving- no wrinkles, barely any gray hair, and a fit figure. The myth was that his gift of light kept him young. His shoulders were broad in his royal uniform (with the famous Olumian cobalt cape latched around him with a sun pin). He looked not much older than 40.

Gen took her seat at the table, and tried her best not to glance in the direction of Prince Liam. She had forgotten that he would sit right next to her. Curiosity got the best of her, and as she reached for the salad, she peered at him out of the corner of her eye.

Prophet of the GodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora