Chapter 22: Waffle house!

Start from the beginning

Diamond pushes past me and is crying. She runs to her room. I look at Alex and he sighs.

"The president turns out to be someone her and her late husband were good friends with." He walks away, with his head down and hands in his pockets.

My girl is crying, and I snapped at her.

"Roman, the president, VP, and right hand man, plus the president's son will be here tomorrow to discuss their decision. I suggest you keep you anger, and any negative feelings towards them in check. The presidents son, is my godson." She was cold. Her makeup smeared from tears. She looked hollow. "I'm going to shower and go to bed." She turned and walked away.

*The next day*

Diamond's POV:

"We need beer for them. German would be best." I was nervous. I know I saw Daniel last night, but still. I'm nervous.

"Mia cara, they will be here shortly, what's wrong?" Roman comes up and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Honestly, I'm freaking out internally. I don't know what to wear. Its Daniel, so pajamas would be fine in front of him, but it's also his men so should I look more professional? Then I'm seeing my godson, so should I be casual? What if they don't take my offer, because I'm a woman? What if they decided that they will just try to take what they want? Then I'll be stuck between a rock and a hard place. Daniel knows my weaknesses, before Aaron died he would never use those, but now he might." Before I could speak another sentence Roman's lips came down on mine. Relaxation rushed over my entire body. I melted into his embrace.

He pulled away and looked at me. "Bella, whatever you wear will be fine. As for what happens, we are in this together. I will always have your back." His words set my mind at ease.

"Thank you. I needed that. I was having a panic attack. I ramble or freeze when I do."

He chuckled. "I noticed. Now, I will get everything prepared for them. You just breathe and be ready to see your friend."

"I know what I'm wearing!" I jumped out of Roman's arms and ran to my closet. It was a walk in. He had told me to give the maid a list of items I wanted, then he also gave her a list. My walk in closet was packed.

I threw on my dark denim mini skirt, with a pair of black leather lace up stiletto boots. I put on my black silk tank, with a red blazer. I grabbed my dog collar choker, I have had for years. I put on my black liquid lipstick. It was perfect. Style, grace, biker, power hungry, with some sexy thrown in.

"They are here, mia car-" Roman cut off, and I turned around to see him staring. He had lost in his eyes. My rank flowed over my chest, while showing cleavage. The skirt and boots showed off my legs. The collar gave it that kinky vibe.

"I won't be able to concentrate either you wearing that, I don't think they will either." Roman licked his lips, and swallowed hard.

"That's the point mio caro. A woman plays all her assets. Plus, Daniel knows how I dress. He won't even barely notice. His men will though, and will be distracted." I wink at him.

I walk out.

"Daniel! So lovely to see you again. Welcome to my home. Champ, Happy. Oh you brought another! Wait. Is that little Isaiah?"

"I'm not little anymore, see Aunt Diamond!" Isaiah responded to me.

"Well I can see that. Would you like to play in our game room, while your Dad and I talk?" He nods vigorously. One of the guards shows him the way.

"This way gentleman." I have the bikers follow me. I hear the one called Chamo whisper to Daniel.

"Pres, she wasn't this hot last night. What the fuck?"

"Dude, that's my best friends widow, talk about her like that again and I'll knock you into next week."  I giggle at Daniel's response. Still protective over me, good.

"Diamond, you look amazing as always." Daniel kisses me cheek.

"Daniel, this is my fiance' Roman. Head of the Luvano family. Beer gentleman?"

"You can't just wear a short skirt, and ply us with beer lady. Not after the stunt you pulled last night." Champ speaks up.

"I meant no disrespect, imagine how you would feel, if you had had men killed or given the runaround after following the appropriate channels." I address Champ.

"Champ I told you, let me do the talking. She may be a woman, but she isn't a normal woman. She will put a bullet through your head faster than you can blink. I know she has a gun on her too." Daniel snaps at Champ.

"I'm suddenly terrified, but aroused." I start laughing.

"Daniel, you finally found a Tiggy!!" Referencing our favorite TV show, Sons of Anarchy.

Daniel laughs, "Yes I did. I'll take a beer, and let's get down to business."

"I won't drink a beer, unless she does. What if she did something to it." Champ is almost stuttering. I grab the beer out of his hand and take a swig. God I hate beer.

"Happy now?" I hand it back to him. "You are here on business, I would like your help. I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that." I lean towards Champ.

"Diamond, business." I look to Daniel and nod. "We decided to take your offer. We can use the resources, and the help. We believe these men are funded by the Mexican militia. It's going to be hard pushing them back."

I pinch the bridge of my nose and walk behind the desk of the office. "So what you are telling me is that we will be starting a war." Daniel nods. I look to Roman and he nods.

"Well if it's a war they want, then so be it. How many chapter can you call in?"

"3 or 4 probably, I'll have to meet with the other presidents, and the president of the original chapter. It's going to take a while." I nod.

"How many men will that be?"

"I probably can scrounge up another 100, on top of my 50?"

"You can only supply us with 150 men?" Roman looks stunned. I snap my head to him, and glare.

"These men aren't just fighting for turf. They are fighting for their homes, their friends, their wives, their children. What can you do if you fight to defend that? What can you live through?" Roman backs down.

"Call the meeting. I know they probably won't but if they want the can meet me, and we can discuss the plan as a whole. No middle man." Daniel nods and drinks his beer.

"Stay and have lunch?" I ask Daniel.

"Are you cooking?" He smiles.

"I mean I can, but we have cooks who are just as good as me.

"I'm really craving your lasagna." Daniel says sheepishly.

"I'll over see the cooking. Make sure it's done my way." I wink at him and excuse myself.

I heard Roman say, "She can cook lasagna?" And Daniel answer "The best I've ever had."

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