Chapter 6 - Fly a plane

Start from the beginning

I went back to the house and found her in bed, on her phone reading a webtoon comic, listening to music while eating some honey. She also had a carton of milk next to her because apparently, honey is chilli... HONEY!!! The sweet yummy stuff you spread on your toast every second Sunday because your mum thinks it's too sugary... I think that was just me... That's kinda sad. Yeah...

"Oi, Bella, I just got to the place and then I realised that I forgot you at home then I had to drive all the way home just to pick you up. I'm a bit annoyed because your just chilling and I really wanna strangle you." then I realised that she still had her earphones still in and she was listening to her favourite song Familia (by Nicki Minaj and Anuel Aa). It's a pretty good song but I really wanted to get out of the door asap.

"Oi! Bella!" I say raising my voice as I pull out her earphones.

"Hey! I was listening to a really really good song!"

"Yeah I know that but I really need to go to the plane right now... Unless you don't wanna come? Because I'm fed up with your bullshit. So? You coming or nah?" ok, I didn't mean to sound so aggravated but that was how I was feeling.

"Ok, ok, geez! I'm coming."

"Sorry Isabella," I say

"Eww! Don't say that! You sound like my mum! Like... Gross! I don't want my bestest friend to sound like my mum... I forgive you by the way."

"Thanks, Bella" I mutter under my breath. " Anyway, let's go! And your clothes are super cute and are perfect so you DON'T need to change.K?"

"Yep," she says walking down the stairs. "Come on! I'm waiting!"



We got there... FINALLY!! With everything in place and then the plane of my dreams was in front of me. I've been waiting for this moment since I was really young. I wanted to be a pilot when I was 5 to 13 but then I brought it up to my parents and they said that I couldn't become a pilot because I was a girl and I couldn't be trusted with that many lives. My parents were right about the 2nd one though. I definitely shouldn't be trusted with so many maybe innocent people. Yeah, my parents thought that I should have a so-called lady work such as a model, a dancer or a waiter, so I couldn't wait to fly this beautiful amazing plane.

I got into the cockpit and I grab my bag. I swear I brought the plane manual in my bag but apparently I forgot it at my parents' house. Fun. This is great... I wished that I brought it.

"What's up Alice? You look funny," Bella asked me. I must have had a worried face on or something.

"Nothing much. I thought I brought the plane manual but I think I forgot it at my parents' house"

"Well, who cares? You can kill both of us for all I care. I just wanna have fun in this body!" Ok then... Thanks, Bella for all the caringness. And yes... that is definitely a word.

"Look, Isabella, I love you but I wish you would feel how I would feel sometimes. You care only about the present, fun and risking life just for amusement. I love you and everything but sometimes it gets on my nerves" I blurted out. I sighed and put my headphones. I sunk into the music.

"I can pick you up

When you're heading down

When it all just sucks

I'll be your Charlie Brown

You can make me laugh

When I wanna cry

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