Chapter 4 - Hold up a sign saying - Free Hugs!!!

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Mima aka Alice

Ugh... God dammit. Bella is staying in gaol for a night. I wanted to do that. Oh well. I guess I can't do everything I want. I slid my finger down the list. Done, done, Bella's doing that one. Oh. Well isn't this boring:

4. Hold up a sign saying: "FREE HUGS!! ❤❤"

Well... I hope it will boost my confidence a little, I'll need that. I hope I'm not gonna have to hug a pervert or something... Wait, no that won't happen right? RIGHT???

Fuck. Well that gives me something to think about doesn't it?

Well. First, let's get something straight. I'm that type of girl that is... as they put it, sweet and innocent on the outside and a pure demon on the inside. Soo... if you have just meet me, you would probably assume I would like this sort of thing. Not the getting hugs from perverts but the hugs. I mean... I love hugs and everything, but from people I love, or like anyway.

I hope nothing bad happens to me. But thanks to my luck, I'm not sure if that's gonna be what happens. Thanks luck.

Well, enough thinking! I need to plan now. So, I need this poster thingo to look fabulous, so let's get it professionally done! Yeah, one of my friends, Jessy's cousin's, brother's, best friend's, goat's, father's, cousin's, owner's, grandma's, niece, owns a poster making store. A professional one! Lucky me! Nope, I shouldn't say that! Wouldn't want to jinx it!


I'm at Jessy's cousin's- stuff it, I can't remember and, I can't be bothered... #lazypeeps... Ugh. I shouldn't even try. Anyway, I'm at the poster making shop, and I'm thinking of a plan.

I think I'm gonna do a black poster with a innocent cute cursive font saying free hugs! And in the middle of the poster, a snake suffocating a mouse in a "hug". Hehehehehe. Don't call me evil, coz I already know. Ze mouse died. Dead. Lifeless. Breathless. Erased. Expired. GONE. NOT EXISTING. NO MORE!!!! Do you fucking get it yet??

I think I might be going crazy... Yeah... I like this feeling... it's nice and warm and fuzzy.

Jessy's cousin's, blah, blahblah's, blah's, blah, blah blah blah niece... scrap that, the poster making dudette, her name was Olivia/ Livie, was really nice. I think we should become friends. She thought my poster idea was a little strange but, then again, I was paying her!


Livie made the poster and then I went back to my apartment. I was going to put some glitter and sparkly star stickers to try and make it look a bit more innocent... a little bit. I started putting on the stickers and then the fucking evil green glittery star gives me a papercut. I know I seem tough and not scared and shit but here are a few things I am afraid of: BLOOD! SPIDERS! ELMO (from sesame street)! BEING ALONE! MEN WITH KNIFES! THE THOUGHT OF DEATH! Yep... quite a few... irrational things. So I said blood as the first one. So when I got a papercut I went ballistic. The last time I saw blood was 2 years ago when my sister cleaned it up for me. My sister is 24-years-old and her name is Kathryn (I call her Kat). I live with Kat at the moment and she keeps me safe but right now she's at work. Yes she has a real job. Unlike me... yeah don't judge me.

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