Chapter 2

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Omega POV

"My name is Omega, not Percy," I said coldly.

"You're the famous Percy Jackson? Don't look like much," the boy snorted. I moved with lightning speed and had Hurricane at the back of his neck and Tidewave pointed at his stomach. He paled and I smiled. 'I really shouldn't be enjoying this so much', I thought.

"Tut, tut, Omega, what did Chaos tell you about threatening campers?" Luke playfully scolded.

"Chaos? Chaos sent you here?," Chiron straightened, "Caleb, please go and supervise the... lava wall."


"Go!" Grumbling, Caleb left. Hm... the name fits him, rude and two-faced, "Omega, before you continue, Luke, how are you alive?"

"I'm sorry, but that informations is confidential," Luke said. I rolled my eyes. He had always wanted to say that.

"Please continue now Omega," Chiron said.

"I am Commander of the Elite Team and Luke is my second," I said while letting my swords fall towards the porch. Only they didn't hit the floor with a clank, when simply dissappeared.

About a few years ago, i saved the life of a powerful witch's son. In return, the witch cast a spell on my swords so they appear when there's danger or when I need them. When I don't need them, they dissappear.

"And you are..." Chiron trailed off looking at Jax.

"You're looking at Jaxson Gibbons, Chaos' top assassin," Luke replied. Jax smiled reasuring at Chiron and the centaur visably relaxed.

Yup, Jax has that effect on people. He makes you think you and him are BBF's right before stabbing you in the back. That's why Chaos was so wary towards Jax, but when he saved mine and Luke's lives on Planet 684, Chaos started to trust him. Besides, we all saved each other's lives at some point. It probably explains why we are so close.

"Mr. Gibbons-"

"Please call me Jaxson." Chiron looked pleased. Another part of the BFF-before-I-kill-you-thing.

"Very well, Jaxson, I sense that you are not a demigod. Your aura is not... right," Chiron mused.

To say I'm shocked is a understatment. Nobody has ever guessed that besides Chaos and I. I could see the grudging respect and caution is Jax's eyes.

"No I'm not," Jax said slowly. I have a subtle nod. If there is anybody Jax trusted, it would be me. "I'm an elf."

"Elf... Jaxson Gibbons..." You could see the wheels spinning in Chiron's head, "The Lost Prince!" Awe and respect laced Chiron's voice. Jax swept an elaborate bow. Chiron bent his forelegs until his forehead touched the worn floorboards.

"You may rise," Jax said.

"Thank you," Chiron staightened," You will need to go to Olympus and inform the gods of your arrival." Ouch. Bad idea.

"The gods," I sneered, " What are they to me? So noble, mighty, and fair. Why should I help them? Killing people to make sure that they still have power! They don't deserve our help!" Omega spat out. Thunder rumbled, winds swirled, and a chaostic power surrounded me. Chiron froze in shock.

"Judging from your expression," I guess the gods didn't tell you about their 'decison'," I mocked, snapped my fingers, and teleported us into the shadows of the throne room.

"WHO DARES TO INSULT ME?!?" Zeus roared. I snapped his fingers and buttered, movie theater poporn popped into our hands. We started to shove popcorn into our mouths and enjoyed the show.

"Yeah! Let's gut these punks and hang them out to dry!" Ares crowed. Vines grew arounds around Ares' throne and crept upwards, tying his arms to the throne and studding grapes in his mouth.

"Everyone quiet! I've got a couplet!

Zeus get really mad

Ares is a huge fa- Ow! What was that for?"

"It's the only way to get you to shut up," Aphrodite smugly replied before conjuring a new compact mirror. Artemis snorted and shot an arrow at the beauty goddess' new mirror, shattering it.

"Hey! That was from Tiffany's you monster!" Aphrodite shot a curse at Artemis but before it can hit her, a slab of obsidian rose up between the two goddesses.

"Hades!" Both heads turned to the god of the underworld and the latter formed a panicked face. 'Doesn't he know not to get between a cat fight?' I thought.

"Geez, this is better than Gossip Girl," Jax muttered.

"You watch that stuff?" I asked.

"What? Blake Lively is hot" he said like that explains everything.

"Ah-hah!" Hephaestus exclaimed before pushing a button and sending a rat atuoman scurring towards Hermes.

""Rat!" George hissed and tried to catch the rat.

"How many time do I ha-"

"QUIET!!" Zeus thundered. A deathly silence fell over Olympus.

"Now," Zeus continued, barely containing his anger, " Who has insulted me?"

"I believe that would be me," I stolled in front of the gods. All 14 godly heds snapped in my direction. I love this part! All the gasps, shock, and priceless faces should be video taped. Oh wait, Luke is already doing that. I gave him an encouraging nod and he grinned back.

"Hey punk! You're supposed to be dead!"

"You got skinnier! Have some cereal!"

"OMG! Percabeth lives!"

"Holy shit, are you for real?"


The last one caught my attention. It was filled with sadness, regret, and, most of all, hope. I looked in direction and saw a weathered man with wrinkles gray hair and lifeless eyes. But as I watched, the wrinkles smoothed out, his gray hair turned jet black, like mine, and his eyes became the sea green ones I remember.

"Hey dad!" I chirped.

"Percy! It's really you!" He came over and hugged me.

"Styx! Is that Luke?" I saw Hermes' head turn to us. Wordlessly, he walked toward him with his eyes wide. A similar reunion took place between them, but filled with Hermes apologizing and Luke saying that it's ok.

"Ehm. I believe we should start discussing war strategies," Surprisingly, it was Hera who interrupted.

"Yes, you are right." Hermes and Dad practically pranced to their thrones and sat down with goofy grins on their faces.

"I am Commander Omega of the Chaos Army and the Elite Team, second to only Chaos." I didn't want the gods to call me Percy. After all, they killed him in the first place.

"But I thought your name is Percy..." Apollo trailed if uncertainly.

"No. My. Name. Is. Omega!" I growled.

"Ok! Moving on!" Hermes cuts in nervously.

"I am Jaxson Gibbons, Lost Prince of Esmeraldez," Jax introduced himself. I smirked, Zeus is rubbing off on him. The silence was deafening. The younger gods and goddesses looked confused, but the older and more knowledgable ones looked at Jax with awe respect and fear. 'If they knew what he did, they would be running in fear' I thought. I opened my mouth to say something but another voice beat me to it.

"Lord Zeus! I've gathered information from the enemy base! it states tha-Percy?" A familiar voice pierced the silence.

I turned around and met a pair of stormy grey eyes filled with intelligence, making me reminiscing about happier times.


Yay! Another chapter done! Annabeth's back! hmm I thought she died? Questions, questions. What did you think? Comment and tell me. Labor Day is today, no school! Please don't forget to vote!

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