☺ Persuasive ☺ Duke Devlin

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"You should add more monsters to DDM, Duke." smiled Stephanie nonchalantly as she continued to doodle on her sketch pad. He blinked his green eyes at her in surprise, it had been silent for quite some time now as he had been checking up on the statistics of his game shop and for the sales of Dungeon Dice Monsters, even.

"Why do you say that, Steph?" he questioned turning around more fully to see her.

She glanced up slightly, her pencil pausing over her pad; "Because everyone keeps saying it's just a rip off of Duel Monsters -"

"It's not!" shouted Duke angrily, losing his cool. If there was one thing he hated it was the fact that his game was declared a rip-off by so many people. Really, he had taken the game and expanded on its strategic gameplay!

"I know, I know-" she answers calmly. "But seriously, why limit the game to just Duel Monsters?" she continued on persuasively, an 'innocent' smile upon her face. Duke's face took on a look of disbelief at this as a brow rose.

"What are you getting at...?" he inquired slowly.

She grinned happily and flipped around her sketch pad proudly revealing several drawings for monster ideas. "Ta-da~!"

"Those are nice and all but it's Dungeon Dice Monsters for a reason, Stephanie..." he points out slowly, turning to point at his computer monitor where all his data for the game sat. "It's based on Pegasus' game, so..."

"Well, than, let me talk to Pegasus! I'm sure he'd like these!" Stephanie pouted stubbornly, still gripping her sketch pad firmly.

"I don't think he'd-" he was cut off as the brunette's mouth pressed against his in a long and sudden kiss. She pulled back with a pout and tried the 'puppy dog eyes' trick. Duke sighed;

"Fine, let me just call him."

"I knew you'd see it my way!" Stephanie grinned cheerfully before giving Duke another kiss.

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