Who's the Boss now Tony (2)

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Hearing that my dad was going to propose to the man I was currently living with gave me a great idea for how to tell them I want to live with my dad instead of my mom, but it will only work if Happy says yes. Which he most likely, probably, hopefully, maybe, definitely will say yes. I sent a text to Ned explaining in great detail exactly how I was going to do it and Ned said that it was a great idea and that it would confuse my dad at first so he wants to be there to see that happen. I told him that he was invited and that he would be helping me get everything ready for the proposal to happen. I told him to meet me at Stark tower at 11:30 am on Saturday and he said he would be there. So since it was 3 in the morning and we had school the next day I stopped bothering him so he could sleep, then I slipped out the window to go do what i do best....
Kick names and take ass. Dang it! Will I ever get that right? I meant take names and kick ass, maybe I should just say beat the baddies from now on.


Peter's POV
Ned and i were standing out in front of the school waiting for Happy to get here to take us to the tower, I asked dad if we could spend the night today so that we're already at the tower in the morning to set everything up for the proposal. Obviously he said yes, and Happy jumped at the opportunity of me staying with my dad. Happy wants me to pick my dad to live with, little does he know i have. "Where is he? He's never late." I said and Ned instinctively moved closer to me, knowing something had to be wrong. "oh look! what have we got here? the nerd faggots!" Flash yelled so that the whole school could hear him. (Not making fun of anyone and i'm not trying to be mean. I completely accept everyone who is apart of the LGBT+ community. the only reason that cursed word is in here is because it adds on to the fact that Flash is an ass) "leave them alone Flash." MJ said as she ran up to the three of us, and lucky for me the universe was on my side today because Captain America and The Winter Soldier walked up to us. "Hey Pete, Happy couldn't make it. He had to drive your father to a press conference across town that he was supposed to be at 30 minutes ago." Steve said, i didn't really need to know why Happy wasn't here because Flash's shocked expression was funny and i'm glad that i was being picked up by the super soldiers. "Alright, climb on." Bucky says as he squats down so that i can climb onto his back. "sweet!" i say as he stands up with me on his back, Steve looks at Ned "You two Ned, up you go." He said as he squatted to let Ned on his back as well. "this. is. awesome. Peter I wish i had your life. I'm on Captain America's back this is the greatest day of my life." Ned said in a starstruck voice. I laughed and the two super soldiers took off running because they liked to try and scare me and at the moment it was working. 

"Not cool you guys. not cool." I said as they stopped running and threw me and Ned onto one of the many couches in the common room. I heard fighting so i rolled over and in walked Sam and Clint, this should be interesting. "If you didn't want me to take your arrows you shouldn't have taken redwing. wait hold on, i didn't even take your arrows." Sam said sounding both angry and confused at the same time. "Well i didn't take redwing. and if you didn't take my arrows then who did?" Clint said in an equally confused, angry tone. "I don't know, maybe Peter took them." Sam said, both super birds turned to look at me. "Clint your arrows are in my room, i upgraded them and wanted to test them out before i gave them to you. they are in no way safe. that being said, they're on my desk. Sam redwing had a few bugs in its software so i took it down to my lab. It should be done updating by now. It is also on the desk." I said and both heros took off to get their stuff completely forgetting they were even mad at anyone. "Wait, did you just say his arrows weren't safe?" Steve asked, i looked at him "yes. This is going to be a good prank. You see the arrows he had could destroy city blocks. the arrows that are on my desk turn into bubbles the second they're fired." I said earning a smile and a nod from both super soldiers and a laugh from Ned, because i didn't make the arrows...

Shuri made them.

Since Shuri made the arrows Ned and I had to be sure that we filmed Clint when he uses them so that she can see it too. "Alright spider kid, you and your boyfriend wanna watch me train?" Clint asks, immediately we both stood up and ran to the elevator because in order to watch him train we had to beat him to the training hall. Which was sometimes unfair especially when he takes the vents.

A few minutes have passed and Clint finally walks into the training hall, Ned and I had nailed all of the vents shut to make sure he couldn't beat us. We wanted to see this in person. Clint grabs an arrow and puts it on his bow, he pulls the arrow back and as soon as he released the arrow from his hand he was covered in bubbles. "FRIDAY, please tell me you got that on video." I asked, I had to wait a few seconds for her response because she usually didn't answer when the person pranked was in the room. "Of course Peter. Shall I send to Shuri?" She asked, I nod my head yes at the nearest camera. "Sending bubble bird video to Shuri." I laugh at the name FRIDAY had come up with for the video, this is why we have an AI she's better than all of the superheros in this building combined.

"Oh my goodness! That was gold! Thank you for sending me the video Peter." Shuri said through laughter, because I had sent her two videos the one of the prank and then one where Clint just accepted it and fired all of the bubble arrows at once. So now he really is bubble bird because he's completely covered in them. But he doesn't care. "Is he still covered in bubbles?" Shuri asks, and before I could answer Clint came into the room. "Yes, he is still covered in bubbles. But this is by choice because bubbles freak some of the people in the tower out." Clint says, I look at him. "Who?" I asked, he smiles "well for starters your father. Then there's Sam, Rhodey, Bucky. And lastly there's Vision. Oh and Fury as well." He says, I laugh "Nick Fury gets freaked out by bubbles?" I asked "no he does not. And if you ever try it you're grounded." Nick Fury said as he walked into the room, okay where did he even come from? "Wait hold up. You can ground me?" I ask, Clint and Fury look at me. "Yes. I'm Nick Fury." Well dang, I'm screwed because I count five people that are allowed to ground me. Mom, Dad, Happy, Vision, and now Patchy the Pirate. But for the most part I was screwed because NICK FURY COULD GROUND ME!

"So, Avengers and Ned. Is there anything to report on for the last two months of being superheros?" Fury asked, I looked at my best friend who looked like he would explode. "Agent Leeds, please calm down. You have been a part of S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers for a year now, so please stop being such a fanboy." Fury said when he noticed Ned's behavior. I laughed once more. "Peter, Ned, I hate to interrupt this meeting but Boss and Mr. Hogan just sat down for dinner." FRIDAY said, Ned and i looked at each other. "Hey, FRI can you pull up the security footage on the conference room screen please?" I asked, she didn't respond as the monitor turned on and the video began to play.

Tony's POV
Okay, here goes. "Tony? What's going on?" Happy asked confused as he took a seat at the random table that was now randomly in the living room. "it's a surprise. So how has your day been so far?" I asked trying to distract him a little so that a certain spiderkid could slip through the door without being noticed. What is he doing? I thought he was just going to watch from the conference room with the other Avengers and Ted.

I look across the table and take a deep breath. "Okay so you were right I do have a reason for doing g this." I said pulling a small black box out of my pocket, Happy didn't notice and peter looked like he would fall off of the ceiling from excitement or maybe he was nervous, either way my kid was on the ceiling and had a possibility of falling off at any given second. I took another deep breath as I tried to stop shaking, Happy looked at me concerned. "Tony? Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes landed on the box in my hands, he seemed to put two and two together. "Of course I'll marry you, Tony. You don't even have to ask." Happy said wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug probably trying to calm me down, that didn't last long due to Peter letting go of the ceiling.

Peter's POV
"SWEET HAPPY'S MOVING IN!! Also, dad can Ned spend the night? Oh hey Happy what should I call you? Dad? Pops? Hap the Pap?" I said rambling, Happy seemed to catch on but dad still looked confused. "I should have known you would pick your father. You two used to be attached at the hip." Happy said, my dad's face.lit up at that statement. "You chose me? You BOTH chose me?" Dad said with tears in his eyes as he pulled me and Happy into a group hug, then as planned Ned brought the rest of the Avengers into the room and they joined the hug.

One big dysfunctional family.

There will be a part 3...

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