The Flash Problem

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Flash's POV
"GET OUT!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU ANYWHERE NEAR MY HOUSE EVER AGAIN!! GET OUT YOU DISGRACEFUL PIECE OF-" my dad yells, I slam the door behind me as I run out of my house. He's pretty angry this time, what if he actually meant what he said just now? I get to the school and see none other than Peter Parker as he walks into the building just seconds before I do. "Hey Penis Parker! Where's your nerdy little boyfriend?!" I yell trying to let out some of my anger, he ignores me though and walks to class.
The bell rings telling me it's time to go home, I walk out of the school to try and find my favorite victim, but he's nowhere to be found. I get to my house and slowly unlock the door, cautiously I push the door open and carefully walk in.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU THIS MORNING?!?!?" my father yelled as he threw me out of the house. "I TOLD YOU TO NEVER COME BACK!! LEAVE YOU ARE NO LONGER MY SON!!!" he shouts as he slams the door and locks it. He took my key so I can't get back in. I look up to see Spiderman staring down at me from the roof of a building next to where I am, i wave at him as I stand up and walk away.

I walk to the nearest ally and sit down. "Well, I guess this is my home now." I say to myself as I lean against the wall. "Flash?" A voice asks from beside me.

Peter's POV
Flash's dad just kicked him out, I have to help him. I know that he's a major bully but he's still a person and everyone deserves a second chance. I jump into an ally and change back into my normal clothes and begin walking. "Well, I guess this is my home now." I heard someone say, I turned my head to see Flash leaning against the wall of an abandoned warehouse. Wow these things are everywhere. "Flash?" I ask carefully, he looks up at me with wide eyes. "How much of that did you hear?" He asked sounding a little angry, but mostly scared. "I heard enough. Come on, you can stay at my place tonight." I say, wait what am I doing? I motion for him to follow me and he does so without question, that's surprising.

We get to the front gate and Flash's jaw drops, I go through the scanner and motion for Flash to follow me. "Welcome home Peter. And one unidentified person do you approve of visitation sir?" FRIDAY says when I scan my SI badge. "Yeah FRIDAY, Flash is approved! Let him through." I say, the gate unlocks, opening to reveal my home. The Stark Mansion. Flash's jaw drops once again. "Come on. I'll show you around!" I say as we walk through the doors of the huge house.

"Pete? Is that you?" A male voice asks as I close the front door. "Yeah dad, who else would it be?" I ask, "Rhodey, Clint, Bruce, there's a lot of people it could have been Pete." My dad says as he walks into the living room to greet us. "That's Tony Stark." Flash says, eyes wide "and who might this be? I know it's not Ned and it's definitely not MJ." My father asks, "this is my friend Flash." I say. Friend? Really? Why did I say that? "Nice to meet you Flash! I'm Tony Stark, Peter's father. You can call me Tony if you'd like." My dad says shaking Flash's hand. "So we're gonna go upstairs. Flash is spending the night by the way. If that's okay with you." I say adding the last sentence as an after thought. My dad smiles and nods, "of course it's okay! As long as he doesn't act like Ned did when he meets the others. Because it's Wednesday which means...?" My dad says waiting for me to answer, "crazy big family dinner night." I say, I look over at Flash who looks totally confused. "That means all of the Avengers are coming over for dinner tonight." I say, and once again his jaw drops.

Flash's POV
"Your dad is Tony Stark. THE Tony Stark." I say as we get to what I assume is Peter's bedroom. "Yeah, I don't tell many people. Because well my parents don't want word of me getting out to the media. They want me to live a normal life as long as possible. Without being followed by the paparazzi. My dad says that's no life for a kid and that he hated it when his father used him for publicity and said that he wouldn't put me into the spotlight like that until I was 18 or older." Peter said as he set his backpack in his closet.

"I'd move 3 spaces to the right of I were you." Peter said as he looked at the vent, I did as he said and moved 3 steps to the right, right as I did so Hawkeye came crashing onto the ground from out of the vents. "Peter! Who's your friend? He's not going to be like Ned is he?" Hawkeye asked, "hi Uncle Clint, this is Flash and no I don't think he'll be like Ned." Peter says, Hawkeye holds out his hand so that I can shake it. "Nice to meet you Flash! My name's Clint! I'm one of Peter's uncles." Clint said releasing my hand and walking out the door. "Dude. What just happened??" I asked stunned. "Oh perk of being Tony Stark's son, all of the Avengers are my aunts and uncles. Well except for Wanda and Pietro (yes he's alive in this) they're like my older brother and sister." He says, I glance at his still open closet and see the Spiderman suit hanging in all its glory, I try to hide my shock as I ask my next question. "What about Spiderman? What is he?" I asked still staring at the suit, he looks at me and then to the closet and he pales as he sees what I'm staring at.

"Well what do you think he is?" Peter asked probably hoping for a different answer then what I actually said. "I think he's you. That's how you knew where to find me today because you followed me from my house. That's how you knew what was going on. That's why you never fought back, because of your super strength. Isn't it? I'm right aren't I?" I ask, Peter just stands there for a few minutes trying to figure out what he should say. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right Flash. I'm Spiderman, Ned knows, MJ knows, my parents and all of the Avengers know. And now you know. But you can't tell anyone!" Peter says looking around the room frantically as if trying to find someone who isn't even here.

"I won't tell anyone. It's the least I can do. I mean, I picked on you for years and you just took it. I was terrible to you and you still brought me to your house after seeing me be kicked out. So your secret is safe with me. I won't tell anyone, I promise. And maybe we can start over, I'm not saying you have to forgive me or become my friend, I just want to start over and try to get along. And I'll try to get the others to leave you alone. I got your back from now on." I say, he smiles and puts his arm around my shoulder, "deal! Now let's go get dinner and introduce you to the rest of my crazy family!" Peter says guiding me out of his room and leading me to the dining area where the Avengers wait.

I might do other one shots that kind of build off of this. Like a field trip to SI that happens after they become "friends" maybe a oneshot about when Flash met all of the Avengers during dinner.

Once again I would like to let everyone know that I am taking suggestions and requests so if you have an idea for a chapter or even a complete story let me know!

If it's a one shot let me know and it will be in this story.

If it's a complete story, tell me the idea and the name (if you have one for it)

Thank you!

If you're still reading this you're amazing and I love you!!

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