Peter's a .... Strange Kid? 6

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Flash's POV
"Hey look! It's Penis Parker!" Someone shouted as Peter and his friends walked into homeroom, I hit the guy in the ribs with my elbow right as the teacher came in so I was able to use that as my excuse for hitting him. "I know your secret. Don't worry I won't tell. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you. None of it will happen again. I promised your father and the scary wizard that I would protect you. So that's what I'll do." I said under my breath knowing that Peter would be able to hear me since he was Spiderman. I looked up to see him staring at me, he nodded his head and mouthed 'I forgive you' he what? He forgives me? Why?


Peter's POV
So my bully has now become my protector. What. The. Fuck. How is this my life? "So.. Flash is acting strange." MJ said, Ned and I burst out laughing at the unintentional pun she had just made. "Sup nerds." Flash says as he sits down across from me, causing MJ to scoot a few feet down down the bench before finally deciding to just sit on the other side of Ned. "You know, you don't have to be everywhere right?" I ask as I take a bite out of an apple Ned had tossed to me, MJ was laughing "what is this apple poisoned?" I asked looking at Ned and then back to my laughing friend, then I realized Ned had thrown me the apple. "Oh shit. Really Ned? My dad will kill you." I said, "or tell Wong to do it for him." Flash added remembering the first encounter he had with my father. I laughed as I continued to eat the apple, being slightly less bothered about Ned proposing.

"Tell us again, why Flash is following us to the tower?" MJ asks, she usually doesn't care about these things but Flash had been following me around all day. "That's a long, complicated story. And I don't even remember half of it." Flash said causing the three of us to laugh, huh flash can be funny. Who knew?

"Peter Strange! You're grounded!" Someone somewhere yelled, "of course I am. What did I do this time?" I ask in yell as my friends and I sat down, along with Flash. "Oh, I don't know. You got a B on a science test! Are you insane? Are you going into your rebellious phase?" Tony asks as he steps into the kitchen holding my latest science test. The four of us burst out laughing, "you're mad cause I got a B? Friday send that to dad." I said as I got up and started walking to the bathroom, Flash getting up to follow. "Uh, Flash. You don't have to follow me at the tower. You can go home now." I say and I see a hint of fear flicker across his face but he quickly composed himself, "I won't follow. But we have school tomorrow and I'm supposed to walk you there and back so wouldn't it be eas-" "Friday, direct flash to my floor and get him settled into the room across from mine please." I say cutting him off, I know an abuse victim when I see one and I wasn't about to let him go home to that, but I also didn't want him going off to sleep in an alley alone where he could get hurt or worse. "Thanks Peter. You know, you're alright." Flash said as he stepped into the elevator and followed Fridays instructions. "What wa-" "ask questions and yell at me later. Right now I have to go to the bathroom before I explode." I say, this time I had cut MJ off, I'll probably come to regret that decision later.

"Ow!" I yell, MJ had thrown a book at my head and apparently an object hurtling towards my head isn't a threat so I had no warning. Why do I even have Spider sense if it doesn't work? "Explain. Now." She said in an angry tone that could rival Natasha's, "I'm gay.. ?" I said it more as a question than a statement. "I knew that already. What's up with Flash?" MJ said completely unfazed.

I'm sorry what? My best friend thinks I'm gay? I am not gay. Am I?

"Flash. Explanation. Now!" MJ yelled and if I said I wasn't more scared now than I was that time when Natasha and Clint teamed up with Bucky for the prank war last month then I would be lying and that was terrifying so just imagine how scary MJ was right now to have topped that. I took a deep breath, "Well...."

Help 😭😭

I'm out of ideas for this....

Suggestions are welcome and encouraged!!

Peter Parker's AdventuresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora