End Game

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Stark, having returned, is pulling on the gauntlet. Strange reapplies the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to reinforce the trap's hold on Thanos's right hand, and the Cloak helps him pull. Thanos is finally subdued enough to incapacitation, not fully asleep.

Stark pulls on the gauntlet, "is he under? Don't let up?"

Mantis begins to cry, "Be Quick! He is very strong."

"Parker, help! Get over here." Peter drops his webline and hurries to help Stark, "She can't hold him much longer, let's go."

Quill flies over to join us, standing in front of Thanos, Tauntingly, "I thought you'd be harder to catch. For the record, this was my plan. Not so strong now, huh? Where is Gamora?"

"My.... Gamora...?" Thanos whispers.

"No, bullshit. Where is she?"

Mantis speaks in shock, "he is in anguish."


"He... he... mourns."

Drax shakes his head, "What does this monster have to mourn?"

The robot woman look to Quill, saddened, "Gamora."

Quill looks back to her, "What?"

"He took her to Vormir. He came back with the Soul Stone... but she didn't."

Stark shouts as he please desperately, "don't. Don't. Don't engage. WE'VE ALMOST GOT THIS OFF!"

"Tell me she's lying." Peter waits for Thanos' response, but he doesn't answer and he becomes enraged, "ASSHOLE! Tell me you didn't do it!"

Thanos answers weakly, "I... had... to... "

Quill answers through his tears, quietly, "no, you didn't...! No, you didn't...!" he continues to rage and then pistol-whipping Thanos twice in the face, causing Mantis to let go in pain] [he continues to rage and then proceeds to pistol-whipping Thanos in the face, "NO, YOU DIDN'T!"

"Quill!" Stark and Drax yell in unison.

Stark leaps for Quill's arm, re-helmeting and leaving Peter to pull off the gauntlet. "Hey, Stop!, hey, Stop!, hey, stop! Stop!"

Peter keeps pulling, "it's coming! It's coming!" getting the fingers completely loose, "I GOT IT!" But Thanos wakes completely, and now well and truly furious. He head-butts Mantis, grabbing the cuff of the gauntlet just as it is sliding off his hand, causing Peter to stumble back, and then throwing Mantis away off his shoulders, into me. Peter and I see Mantis with far too much air under her, "oh, God." Peter jumps and wraps his arms and legs around her, extending his spider legs to form a roll cage for a safe landing and I land beside her.

Thanos kicks Drax off his right leg and into the robot woman and Quill, knocking them down. He yanks on the Crimson Bands holding his right hand to throw Strange well away and swats away Iron Man and his repulsor shots. The Guardians jump up and charge him again, but he fires a pulse of indigo energy at them that knocks the three of them completely unconscious.

Stark zooms back in, his nanite arm cannon manifested, and is head-butted to the ground. Thanos looks at him for a beat, then raises the gauntlet towards Titan's moon. Iron Man stares, aghast. Thanos uses a combination of the Power and Space Stones to shatter the moon's surface, then bring the debris down on the field of battle at speed. Stark powers out of the way but is caught by a chunk of the moon about the size of a baseball field, slamming him into the ground. The Guardians go sailing into the air from the rebound. Peter and I leap into action, webbing whoever we can get a hold of before they float too far away.

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