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"Wait, I'm sorry. I just find it hard to believe that someone is actually out to get me, Lillian."

"I know its hard to believe Ciara but its true. someone left a note on my pillowcase last night, saying I had to give you this note in the most aggressive way I could, or they would tell the girl I like about my crush on her!"

Ciara was dumbfounded. Someone was threatening people. to get to her. but why? Who could possibly have a vendetta against the girl who didn't even exist up until two weeks ago?

"Ciara! there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere! Scorpius told me-"

"You told people about this Ciara?" Lillian asked, raising her eyebrows in disbelief.

"What? No of course not!" Lillian stood straight and began to walk away, not before leaning in close to Ciara and whispering "Do not tell anyone. Or we will have a problem."


"Amanda Lloyd?" Came the voice of an extremely annoyed McGonagall.


"Scorpius Malfoy?"


"Sirius Marciel?"


"Ciara Potter?" There was no reply. "Has anyone seen Ciara?"

"I saw her just now, in the courtyard." Laura, one of Ciara's roommates said. All of a sudden, the doors to the classroom burst open, and in came an extremely dishevelled Ciara. She rushed to her desk next to Sirius and quickly sat down.

"Ciara! Would you like to explain to me why you are late or would you like a detention?"

"I-I'm so sorry Professor, it won't happen again."

"It better not. Stay after class."

Professor McGonagall finished the register, an eye on Ciara the entire time.


"Now you will all brew Amortentia yourself. I will choose your partners." Professor Slughorn said, earning a sigh from the whole class. "Albus and Rose, Sybill and Dean, Ben and Thomas, Ciara and Scorpius, Erin and Sirius, Laura with Mandy..." It went on like that for a while. "Go to a workstation with your partner. There is a recipe and all you will need set up. Start as soon as you are there." With that Ciara strode up to Scorpius, who was emmersed in a conversation 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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