He and Barbara bow simultaneously. As Jerome keeps talking, Evelyn scans the crowd for the billionaire boy once again, waiting for the signal. She sighs in relief after seeing the boy standing beside his guardian.

"For my first act, I require a volunteer!" Jerome searches the crowd, eyes landing on Evelyn who points him in the right direction. "You!" He exclaims, pointing at Bruce. The spotlight shines on the young boy.

The audience claps and even laughs a little at the expression on the boy's face. After a few moments of convincing, Bruce offers a false smile and takes Barbara's outstretched hand. The crowd claps once again.

Jerome begins to perform his trick, guiding Bruce to the box where he'll be split in half. Evelyn takes note of Mr. Pennyworth's worried expression. He even reaches a hand out to stop it, but Jerome's already split the boy.

Now note that Bruce Wayne wasn't actually split in half. That's just the magic trick. By the time he was "put back together," Bruce was smiling and walking back towards the butler.

"Some people say Bruce has a split personality," Jerome jokes, earning applause and whistles from the crowd. "For my next illusion, I'd like to call to the stage, esteemed Deputy Mayor, Harrison Kane to the stage!"

Evelyn feels for the gun in its holster, waiting for a cue that could happen at any second. As Barbara reveals the set of knives, her mask slips off her face, revealing herself to those watching. She winks to someone in the crowd before quickly slipping it back on. Making eye contact with Evelyn, she nods her head towards whoever she was winking at.

Evelyn turns her head, noticing the panicked look on the woman introducing the magic duo. With a pep in her step, Evelyn is able to cover the doctor's mouth with a napkin she snatched and pull her pass the curtain unnoticed.

The doctor is extremely taller than Evelyn, and it takes a lot of effort to pull her out of the room. Baldy, the big brute Evelyn hasn't seen in a bit, quickly comes to the younger woman's rescue, placing a napkin filled with chloroform over mouth and nose.

"Nice job," Evelyn compliments before walking back inside.

"By the way," Jerome's true voice rings throughout the room. "Nobody's getting out alive."

He throws a knife at the Deputy Mayor, him immediately falling to the ground. The undercover waiters start shooting at the ceiling, causing mass panic in the room.

Evelyn stands at the entrance, gun out and shooting in random spots so people can't leave. "Bruce!" She hears the butler cry out.

Evelyn looks through the crowd, attempting to find the billionaire they need for whatever plan Theo's concocted.

It takes a few minutes for people to sit back in their seats in a frozen panicked state. Baldy brings Lee to the stage, Barbara helping him strap her against the wheel.

Jerome yanks off the beard, hat, and mask to reveal the boyish face Evelyn can't help but feel attracted to. "Dollface, come here!" He calls, beckoning her to the stage.

Evelyn looks around as she passes the crowd, searching for the child. "The kid's gone," she whispers, only to receive a dismissive wave.

"No worries," Jerome waves off, "the exits are locked. He'll turn up sooner or later. But for now, I need you to show this wonderful camerawoman my best angle, yeah?"

Evelyn looks back into the crowd, unsure whether to listen or not. The plan was to find but not kill Bruce Wayne. After that, she knows nothing. Does she really wanna be kept in the dark for something as important as this?

"Dollface," he interrupts her thinking. She snaps out of her daze, only to realize he's pointing at the petrified camera lady.

Walking off the stage, Evelyn begins to quietly speak to the woman, showing her exactly where the camera needs to stay at all times.

He pulls out her flip phone, going through the contacts before calling the one he's been instructed to. "Hello, Jimbo!" He greets, laughing afterward. He looks straight into the camera, where the live feed is being played for all who wanna watch. "Let's talk about what I want for a moment, seeing as I've got your little girlfriend right beside me." He allows the phone to be on speaker.

"Yeah, and what about yours?"

"My what?" Jerome questions.

"Evelyn Carter. Where is she?"

Jerome rolls his eyes at Gordon's words. "That's not really the point, now is it?"

"Did you kill her yet? Just like your father?"

"So dramatic, Jimbo." Jerome rolls his eyes once more. "Dollface, wanna show yourself to Mr. Bigshot over here?"

Offering a hand, he pulls Evelyn onto the stage. With a good wipe of her hand, part of the makeup covering her scar disappears. She gives a little wave.

"What do you want, Jerome?" Gordon questions, sounding spiteful.

"Forty-seven million dollars, a helicopter (obviously), the dry cleaning I left at Mr. Chang's, be careful, the man is a crook, and I don't know... a pony?"

He laughs, making Evelyn jump in her spot a little. "Evelyn," Barbara whispers from behind her. Evelyn turns her head and obliges Barbara's beckoning.

"Barbara," Evelyn begins, "what the hell's supposed to be happening?"

"Don't shoot Galavan, alright?" Barbara whispers, "he's supposed to play 'hero' or whatever. Go with it."


"Kid," Barbara interrupts, ocean eyes gleaming with seriousness, "I know you wanna know the details, but sometimes it's just best to be left in the dark and keep your mouth shut."

Evelyn nods, taking in Barbara's words. Jerome's laughter indicates his theatrics with Jim Gordon have finished. He looks back at the women. "Well, I think that went well, no?"

Barbara responds with a thumbs up.

"Enough!" A familiar voice announces from the crowd. Evelyn raises an eyebrow at Theo Galavan slowly walking towards them. "You need to pack up your pathetic little sideshow and leave."

Jerome grins, facing Galavan. "Is that so?"

Playing the hero, Evelyn realizes. But how far will he go to do that?

"It may be presumptuous to speak on behalf of Gotham, but we are sick of you! You're nothing but a small vicious man with a pathetic need for attention."

Jerome bows in acknowledgment, accepting to the label.

"Excuse me," Evelyn croons, pulling the gun from her holster. She aimlessly slings it around, not too worried about being careful, "but who exactly do you think you are?"

The crowd gasps as the gun rests just beneath his chin. Galavan gives a hard glare at Evelyn before switching to Jerome.

"Now, now, Dollface," Jerome tsks, taking Galavan's hint. He grabs her by the shoulder tightly, but gently pulls her away from him. "Let's give the gentleman some room." He reaches for Galavan and slowly turns his head towards the camera. "Tell the lovely people your name."

"Theo Galavan," he responds valiantly.

"Well Mr. 'Theo Galavan'," Jerome mocks with a deep voice, "how about you shut up and sit down before I allow Dollface over here to shoot your face?"

"Surely there is some human decency in you," Galavan reasons. Evelyn lets out a ha! at the statement.

Damn, he's good, Evelyn thinks to herself. What's his MO? Keep them around to bring him up to hero status?

A loud thud resonates through the room. Evelyn looks back only to see Theo Galavan unconscious on the floor.

What the hell is going on?


weird ending but okay


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