Chapter 9: Glad we Met

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Elizabeth was released from the hospital 2 days later, they wanted to make sure her mental state was stable before they let her go and Meliodas didn't leave her side for the whole two days, he made sure she always had whatever she needed, and their friends even came by to see her since they'd both missed school with Elizabeth being in the hospital, though doctors didn't know what had exactly happened to her and they could only assume that it had something to do with her condition as they called it, but that was just a simple cover up, so that other patients didn't worry about there being a cursed patient being in the hospital. Meliodas held her the entire time she was there, and neither of their fathers objected to him staying with her since there were cameras everywhere in a hospital and it wasn't a bad thing if the girl ended up baring his child since it would save her in the long run.

"So wait one moment, Meliodas, why have you been at the hospital with her the entire time? I know you two are dating and all, but you don't have to be together all the time." Diane asked as she looked at the two, they had planned to tell the group when they got back to school, but now was as good a time as any.

"Well, we've been together this whole time because our parents arranged a marriage without knowing we were already together, so the day after graduation we're getting married." Meliodas spoke as he looked at the group who were all shocked to hear that the two would soon be married.

"You're kidding! Congrats Meliodas!" Ban shouted as he hit Meliodas' back in congratulations, though they were young the two 18 year olds were fairly mature but Meliodas still had his immature moments.

"You better keep a close eye on him, he's a trouble maker." Merlin spoke nudging Elizabeth's side gently making the silver haired girl laugh.

Elizabeth was actually really excited to marry Meliodas, he was sweet and caring, he in her opinion would make a perfect husband, though, that was just her, he could probably be a big pain for any other girl who got stuck with him as a husband.

"I think Meliodas will make a great husband once we graduate, since I've been in the hospital he's been nothing but an angel to me." Elizabeth spoke with a smile Meliodas grinning as he heard her boosting his ego.

Meliodas looked very prideful about how he had behaved to his fiance during her time in the hospital and it made him extremely happy to be praised by her even though they had only met a few days before this situation but he was happy they were getting closer and that she was warming up to him, it meant that they would be able to spend alot more time together and get to know each other even more.

"Well don't boost his ego to much or he'll be so arrogant that none of us could handle him." King spoke as he looked at the two, his eyes flashing over to Diane, the shorter boy always wished he could be like that with the brunette girl, she was the most beautiful thing in the world in his eyes.

"Who knows, maybe one day you'll find a girl who thinks the same of you as Elizabeth does me." Meliodas teased having noticed the glance to the brunette girl, the two had been crushing on each other without knowing it for years now and they just hadn't built up the courage to confess yet.

Elizabeth had leaned over and whispered something to Meliodas which he responded with a nod making the silver haired girl laugh and a small smile appear on Meliodas' face as he looked at her, she was the most beautiful girl in the world in his eyes much like Diane was to king, though, the love the Silverette and blonde shared had lasted for thousands of years, and the two would eventually have a family of their own, their family wasn't a choice because they wanted to, their family would be a matter of life or death, if they didn't have a child, Meliodas would lose Elizabeth which hurt to think about and made his smile falter.

"Mel? You okay?" Elizabeth whispered to him noticing his smile that she loved oh so much fall slightly, she never wanted him to stop smiling, it's what lit up her world and made her happy, if he wasn't happy she certainly would not be happy, he was her world even though she was just insulting him a few days before.

"Yeah, I'm fine, as long as I'm with you I'll always be okay." He spoke with a smile as he placed a small kiss on her forehead, He broke rule #2, the emotions in that kiss were most certainly not fake, just to reassure his fiancé that he was alright, but neither of them cared, they were going to be married in a few months, their little rules didn't matter anymore now that they were engaged.

Rule #3 had been broken when they were told they were engaged then shortly after found out it was each other, and as for 1 and 4, 1 was still standing tall, since they hadn't kissed each other on the lips quite yet, and as for 4, well, that was never a thing to begin with, the two had been in love the very moment they saw each other, it was fate, the curse made sure that they were to meet, fall in love, and for Elizabeth not to live long enough to have a child, but with the medication she was on, Meliodas had hope that she would live long enough to have their child, he grew excited at the thought of having a family with Elizabeth, she was perfect in every meaning of the word, nothing could ever dull the way the demon looked at his goddess.

"Alright, if you say so but talk to me if something is wrong okay?" Elizabeth asked softly leaning her head on his shoulder, the girl was fragile much like a princess would be, in some cases she was called the princess of a great empire, being the heir to such a massive fortune since neither of her older sisters wanted anything to do with the company and the oldest son of their biggest rival was her age.

"Yeah, I will, but don't worry about me for now, I want you to get better as soon as possible okay?" He whispered to her kissing the side of her head instead of her forehead, the others had left in order to give the couple their privacy knowing that they had gotten a lot closer to each other over the last few days and were now going to be inseparable.

Elizabeth closed her eyes and fell asleep against Meliodas' shoulder, the girl was exhausted most of the time since her fainting spell, it seemed that her sleeping never ended, she would be awake for an hour or so then be back asleep, but Meliodas didn't mind her sleeping, she was actually quite cute when she slept and he was just happy to know that she wasn't dying or going to die anytime soon, he stared at her playing with a strand of her hair as she slept feeling comfortable just laying there with her silently, he soon joined her in the world of sleep not being able to keep his eyes open any longer he was so relaxed, and it wasn't until the doctor came in with the release forms that the two woke up and started to get ready to leave the hospital since Elizabeth was healthy enough to leave.

"Guess we'll have to call a taxi, cause my car was totaled and your car is at your house right?" Elizabeth asked as she looked to Meliodas who nodded while pulling out his phone and calling a cab to come pick them up from the hospital which one got their fairly quick being that they were still in the middle of the city.

"We'll go to my house then I can take you home from there." He spoke as he looked at the girl who only nodded in agreement as she got in the cab and he got in next to her and wrapped his arm around her so that she could rest her head against him again.

"I'm really glad I met you Meliodas, and I'm sorry for the way I treated you when we first met." Elizabeth spoke softly her gaze up at Meliodas who was smiling at her and shaking his head as he looked at her, he was just happy to be with her, he didn't mind what she said when they met for the first time he knew it wasn't really her who was talking, but now that they knew that they were meant for each other the goddess seemed far more subdued than she had before they knew they were meant for each other, he didn't care about anything other than getting to know Elizabeth more so that they could be happy together.

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