Chapter 2: Relationship?

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Elizabeth took her seat in the classroom which was by the window, she looked at the whiteboard which had all the notes she needed on it and quickly started to take the notes having earbuds in and listening to music, people around her were asking questions but she was simply ignoring them and focusing on school, she could also feel many eyes glaring at her, this was the exact reason she'd moved schools, girls would always glare and boys would faun over her, she hoped to escape that environment by moving schools but the only thing that changed was that boys were to afraid to go near her which made her even more confused, they had introduced her over the announcements which went on during the first class period, she was really the only one who listened to them cause everyone else was talking to their friends or trying to ask her questions.

The silver haired girl stood up once class was over packing up her things then walking towards the door, she was stopped quickly by a short blonde boy grabbing onto her wrist.

"Would it be possible for me to speak with you for a second just to explain things?" He asked which only made the Silverette only more confused but she nodded her head anyways and he walked her out to the courtyard which no one was there at the moment.

"Okay? What do you need to explain? I don't know you." Elizabeth spoke as she looked at him, her voice was soft cause she was so nervous, she never really talked to anyone throughout elementary, middle, or high school, which meant she only really spoke confidently to her older sisters.

"Well I know that, I don't know you either, but some how, all the way from kindergarten to now, I've been making up a girl to keep girls off my back, and the name of the girl I made up happened to have the same exact name and features as you do, down to a T actually, Silver hair, pale skin, blue eyes, except the only difference is the bangs covering your eye." He spoke which made Elizabeth look away quickly at the mention of her eye, she had been born with what all doctors thought was a deformity, she had done some research and it had been a link to an ancient race that didn't exist anymore.

"Oh, well I don't know how I can help you then, it's not like I'm just going to go along with your little lie, cause I don't even know your name, so you'll just have to tell everyone it was a lie cause I don't like being popular, I'd much rather be in the shadows." Elizabeth spoke as she looked back at him her eyes determined, the girl didn't like lying and playing along with a lie certainly wasn't apart of her plan.

"If you want to know my name it's Meliodas, I'm a senior like you and the lie I've made up for all these years was that you and I liked each other and in 8th grade we were officially 'together' meaning I'd be asking you to act as my girlfriend, just for a little while until I can come up with a reason that we would 'break up'." He spoke as he looked at Elizabeth who was blushing, she had never been with anyone before she hardly even ever had any friends that were guys.

"I'll give you a month, after that month, if you haven't come up with a reason then I'm telling the entire school that you were lying the entire time." Elizabeth spoke using the situation to her advantage, she didn't like violence, but blackmail was a secret love of hers, it had to do with the mark on her eye, it was part of the personality that she received from that that made her behave like that.

Meliodas sighed in relief, this girl really was different from the Elizabeth he made up, this girl had a slight fire to her, which honestly he didn't mind at all, she was attractive and she fit the role perfectly.

"Thank you, I promise I'll try and be as quick as possible, but we can come up with any rules you want, I don't care what they are." He spoke as he looked at the girl who placed a finger to her chin thinking about the rules to set.

The silver haired girl pulled out her bullet journal and began to write, at the top she began to write Meliodas peaking over her shoulder.

"That's all

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"That's all." She spoke as she showed the blond the notebook him nodding his head as read over them.

"Sounds reasonable, wouldn't want to actually like being together now would we?" He spoke laughing a little as he thought about that, maybe he would enjoy this month after all with her there to make his life a little easier.

The Girl he didn't Believe was Really There (Melizabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now