Chapter 5: Whats Happening...

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The two picked up their phones and looked at their screens, then at each other before standing up and getting a safe distance away from each other before answering.

"Yes father?" The two spoke over the phone, in sync, they were out of hearing distance of each other but they still managed to sync up their words, which the two had never done before in the short time of knowing each other for real.

"Elizabeth, please go to the main headquarters of the company, I need to discuss something with you." Elizabeth's father spoke over the phone, which she dreaded going to meet her father at the company she hated that place, her sister's husband and his buddy worked there and his buddy Howzer was always hitting on her despite her being almost 10 years younger than him and still in high school.

"Meliodas, meet me in my office at home, your brother will be here to but he actually came home in the car I send for you two." Meliodas' father spoke, he hated his home just as much as Elizabeth hated hers, it held nothing but painful memories for him if his mother dying in the hospital after having his younger brother, all the beatings he took in his brother's place, it was hard on him.

"I'll be there shortly." They spoke in sync yet again, it was like the two could read each other's minds about what the other was going to say, they hung up the phone and turned back towards each other each having the same news. "I have to go-" They spoke as they looked at each other sharing a small fit of laughter before waving and heading their seperate ways.

Elizabeth had walked home and got in her own car before heading to the company HQ in the city which she hated, and Meliodas walked home and up to his father's office where his brother sat on the sofa his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"Zeldris tells me you have a girlfriend?" His father spoke as Meliodas approached the desk, he shot a glare towards Zeldris who just continued to smirk to his older brother. "You have to break up with her." He spoke which made Meliodas' eyes widen, he was just starting to get Elizabeth to open up to him, but he didn't understand why he had to break up with her, he assumed this would make it easier to get out of their little promise he'd asked her to make.

Elizabeth sat in her car, she had pulled over into a shook her hand over her right eye as it throbbed, she unlocked her phone and dialed the first number she saw, it was her older sister Veronica, she sat on the line for 3 minutes and her sister didn't pick up, she didn't bother to leave a voicemail as she looked back at her phone dialing a random number hoping it was a family member that knew about her condition, she sighed happily when the person picked up the phone, she wasn't so excited when she heard the voice.

"Elizabeth?" Meliodas' voice asked over the phone, she closed her eyes.

"Meliodas, sorry to bother you, but I can't get a hold of anyone else and I know this is probably going to babe really confusing but I need you to go to my house and tell a maid your there to get my medication, I'll message you my address, but I would really appreciate it if you hurried." Elizabeth spoke as she moved her phone away from her ear turning it on speaker as she started to text him the address.

"Elizabeth, what's wrong? What medication? Are you hurt?" He asked his voice slightly panicked, he didn't understand what Elizabeth would need medication for, then again, he didn't know what could happen if she let the throbbing in her eye go on for to long.

It was a curse on her family, every daughter born with silver hair and blue eyes would be cursed with the mark of a goddess at the age of 13, it will either take them over completely and they'll regain the memories of every girl before that once bared the mark, according to her father a medic more known as a mage came up with a temporary cure that lasted a week at a time, it started as a potion type medicine, but it was eventually put into small pills.

"Just hurry Meliodas." She spoke not wanting to go into detail about what was wrong with her, and the curse.

"Alright, I'm heading out now, send me your location and I'll be there as soon as I get your medication." He spoke handing up the phone as he started to use the navigation to her house.

Elizabeth hung her head as she waited in agony, it felt like someone was stabbing her in the eye over and over, she sat there for what felt like an hour before a car just as nice as her own pulled in next to her and a short blonde got out of the car rushing over and opening her door, he was worried just from the look on his face Elizabeth could tell.

"Thanks Meliodas..." She spoke softly as she took the medication bottle from his hand and quickly downed a pill, she closed her eyes and leaned back into her seat, Meliodas was standing at her door staring at her.

"Now you have to tell me what's wrong." He spoke as he leaned into her car getting closer to her, he was more worried than anything now.

"It's a curse, it sounds so stupidly cliche but it's true, every daughter born into my family that has silver hair and blue eyes at birth will have the mark of a Goddess placed on their right eye at the age of 13, they'll be stuck with it till the day they die if they're lucky enough to live long enough to die of old age." She spoke and Meliodas looked horrified, he couldn't believe that someone so beautiful and kind would have to go through with something so heinous, it was awful.

"That's not all is it? That came be all, Elizabeth tell me everything." He spoke as he turned her head to face himself, her right eye was showing and it had a slight golden glow about it.

"If this damned mark takes over both my eyes...I'll only have 3 days to live till I die the same brutal death the first girl this curse was placed on in my family did." Elizabeth spoke as she moved his hand from her face, she had neglected to mention that she was destined to meet and fall in love with one person she just had no clue who that person was and she didn't want to know.

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