Chapter 3: Memories

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Akira's pov,

It wasn't long for Krystal to notice Dante was with us and began to argue with him. Dante's words.... they hurt, but were true and he manages to convince Krystal into taking him along. She's been quiet since then. I can't help but think she took his words to heart. It makes me a little sad to see her like this, but whenever I talk to her, she'll dismiss the conversation before it even began. I just don't want her to lose it. I stared up into the blue sky and my mouth moved on it's own.

Akira: I promise, Levi. I'll keep them safe.... I'll keep everyone safe, just like you did.... even if it too kills me. "I whispered.

Nora: I'm just saying, there's more members of JNPR in this team than RWBY. It just makes sense to go with that one.

Ren: But "Junior" isn't a color.

Nora: So what? Akira's team name isn't a color. Ugh, how can I be more clear?! "I turned and saw words in the air. Wait. Words in the air?! I thought as Nora continued speaking. "One... Two... Three. That's more, than one.

Ren: But we're helping Ruby with her objective. "As I was about to speak, Ren spawned or summons or whatever more words. "Wouldn't that make her the leader?

Akira: Wait, how are--?

Jaune: Guys. We need to focus.

Dante: I think JNRR sounds better.

Akira: Hey, don't forget me and Krystal!

I cut in before I heard rumbles and I knew who it was.

Akira: Showtime.


Krystal: I'll help Ruby on the high ground.

I ran towards the sound as I heard the others follow. It wasn't long till the Grimm we were after fell to the ground. We came to a stop as Ruby was on a tree where the Grimm strikes and the trees broke exposing us.

Jaune: Let's get that thing off her!

Jaune ran to the right and Nora and Ren jumped to the trees. Me and Dante nodded before we ran left to surround the Grimm.

Akira: Dante, now! Shoot!

Dante: Okay!

He began shooting as I held my hand out as I felt heat.

Ren: Dante, Akira! Try and draw it's attention away from Ruby! "He yells down to us.

Akira: We ahead of you! "A fire ball forms in my hands. "Eat this!!

I threw the fire ball at the Grimm as Nora's grenade rounds crashed into it as well. It turns to us and strikes, but I pushed Dante out of the way as the arm flew over us. We quickly stood up and I struck it with bolts of lightning.

Akira: Dante! "He turns to me. "Run around it!

Dante: What about you?!

Akira: I've got an idea!

He nods and I slowed my breathing bolts of electricity surrounded me. I felt my hair slowly rise as I tried my hardest to focus. Everyone got next to me as I heard them.

Jaune: We gotta get in closer!

Ren: My blades don't hurt him!

Nora: Akira, nows is the best time!

RWBY Vol 4: A Strong Start, but a Weak Finish. Rwby X OcHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin