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Don't let em' say you ain't beautiful,

Ohh they can all get fucked just stay

true to you.


Me:Okay here's a special guests Pein.

Pein:I wish for world peace.

Me:That's an interesting statement.

Pein:What do you mean?

Me:You wish for world peace,but yet you're always exploding something.


Me:Whatever....lets get on with the story.


Itachi POV

I sent Deidara to check up on Himaru,but he was taking too long.

He was already an intolerable child and by that he breaks my patience as well.

I walked sensed Himaru's chakra to try and find her,but I couldn't sense Sasuke.I wonder what my little sibling is up to now.

I sigh and went to where Himaru was.

Of course Deidara failed.


"Deidara,I send you to check up on her,and you slack off as always."

"Are you shitting me,Itachi?You sent this ass-kisser to check up on me?"asked Himaru."What the actual fuck?"

"Shut the hell up!"Deidara argued at Himaru.

"Deidara,you shut the hell up,and Himaru,you are turning 17 in a couple days.Act a little your age,and where is my brother?"

"Listen!I don't need you to send little flirts to come to my fucking rescue!Especially this fuck up!And as for Sasuke he went to go take care of some business!Yep,your brother,Sasuke Uchiha left me the fuck alone a-

"Himaru,there are many things you know I do not tolerate and yelling is one of them."

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK,OKAY?!"She yelled as she forced me and Deidara away.

"SHADOW JUTSU:SHADOWED FISTS!"She yelled once more.

She isn't stronger than me,but she may be stronger than Deidara.

She needs to control her temper.

For the better........


Naruto POV

I hadn't seen Himaru in a while.

I was starting to get worried.

"Naruto have you seen Himaru?"Asked Granny Tsunade.

"No,Granny,I haven't seen her,the last time I saw her was when she went to go look for Sasuke."I reply followed by a sigh.

Oh my sweet Himaru where could you be?If Sasuke hurts you I'll kill him!

God,why do you love him?

He doesn't feel for you.

"If Himaru doesn't come back soon we have to resort to looking for her,because we don't know what Sasuke is capable of." finished.


Sasuke POV

So I was out getting Himaru a birthday present.That's right!

I,Sasuke Uchiha,a rogue ninja is getting this brat a present.

When I was done I was wondering where Himaru was...Dammit!Why would I leave her alone??She can be so gullible at times,and today just felt like one of those days.I hurried to where we last talked.....

A/N:Betcha didn't see Itachi POV coming bitches👌👏😂

Sorry it's short,busy love everyone who's reading!I appreciate it so much!



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