"Well boys, this is Roman. Be nice. Aaron no brimstone sent up, Cole no lightening bolts from Heaven." Roman just laughs.
"Roman these are my husbands Cole, and Aaron. Cole is in heaven with all my babies, and Aaron, well he is probably trying to take over Hell. He knows he will lose his reign when I get there though." Roman laughs, and slips an arm around my waist and kisses my forehead.
"Well boys, I'm off to Cali again. I know, I know. I'm not a Cali girl, but it's my home now or at least where my heart lives." I turned and smiled at Roman.

"Gentlemen, I want you to understand I am not trying to take her away from you. I do plan on making her my Queen, and treating her like a Queen. So don't worry. I will keep our girl safe from now on." Roman telling my husbands that, was absolutely heart warming. It brought years of happiness to my eyes. He recognized that a piece of me died with them, and that I'll be his, but I am also still theirs, and I hold a piece of them in my heart.

"Let's go home." I smile up at Roman and he nods.

The jet ride home was good. Roman turned on Mama, I guess he heard about Cole and my scary movie cuddles. I fell asleep watching it, but woke up every time Roman jumped. To have this big scary Mafia man, jumping because of a scary movie. It's hilarious!

"Mia cara. We are back to the house. It's time to wake up." I opened my eyes to see we had pulled up in front of Roman's mansion.

"Roman, is she here, did she come back with you?" I heard Isabella running up asking about me.

"Isabella! Let them get inside. Let them rest, I'm sure they are tired after their travels!"

"Its alright mama, we slept on the plane, and Diamond slept in the car here too." He held his hand out for mine to help me get out.

"Yay, she came back! She gave you another chance!"

"That's not all Isabella. Mama, where is Papa?" Roman had his arm around my waist.

"He is inside waiting for us. He wasn't sure Diamond had forgiven him. He is afraid of you child."

"He should be. Mama, she is more like a Luvano man, than a woman. She fights, she kills, she serves justice to those who wrong her family, but she also gentle, and kind. She is charitable, and compassionate. Not to be taken as weakness though."

"Oh my dear boy, you are whipped, aren't you? Come let's go inside."

Hearing what Roman had to say about me I just smiled. But right now we are walking in, and I have to face Randall. It's been over a month, if he hasn't drank, he will have earned my forgiveness. I put on my strong face, I leave emotion out of it.

"Mr. Luvano, I have one question for you." I saw as I see him sitting in a chair, just inside the foyer. He looks up and nods.

"Its been a little over a month, have you drank?" I'm stern, cold.

"No, ask my wife. Ask the staff. I have avoided it at all costs." He stands up proud, and walks towards me. I extend my left hand to him, palm down. He takes my hand and goes to kiss my knuckles, still looking me in the eye. He lips touch my ring, and he pulls back and looks down. He is shocked he looks to Roman and then to me. We are both smiling.

"My son, my oldest boy is getting married!?"

"You two are engaged?!" He mother squeals out.

"I'm finally getting a sister!?!" Isabella gasps

"We have to throw the engagement party! It will be this weekend. We will announce the new future Queen. All be damned who stands in her way or get on her bad side." He slightly bows. I giggle.

"There is so much to do! I have a party to plan! When is the wedding!?" His mother is so frazzled right now.

"We haven't set a date yet Mama."

"Actually, I have a date in mind, but I don't know if you will agree. It's not 'typical' or 'traditional' however, it's very me." Randall sees me shy and unsure for the first time.

"When Mia cara? When?" Roman is excited.

"Halloween?" I close my eyes, but then open one to look at Roman. He has both my hands in his, and we are facing one another. My shoulders are scrunched up.

"As long as it's a traditional Catholic wedding, I don't care when it is!" His mother blurted out.

"Mama, the wedding won't be Catholic. Diamond isn't catholic, and I won't ask her to convert. Halloween is perfect mi amore." I'm in love with him.

"Engagement dress shopping!!!! Come on sis to be! We have wedding and engagement dress shopping." Isabella grabs my hand and pulls me out the door.

"Isabella, be careful. Alex take two men and go with them. Please, don't let Diamond kill anyone." I laugh at my Roman.

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