Chapter 11

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I awoke next to a boy. Not my boy, not my lover. But I loved him all the same. I would have run into the maze with 1 million Grievers if it werent for him. I shook his shoulder.

"Minho," I said softly.

"Yeah?" He groaned.

"Time to get up, Runner."

He smiled.

"A little later maybe?"

"Now," I said," I have to help Frypan in the kitchen too."

He rolled over and got out of bed.

I pushed myself up getting out of bed too.

Minho went into the bathroom to have a shower. I slipped out of my pyjamas and clipped on a bra. Minho walked back into the room.

"Sorry," his face went bright red.

"All good," I smiled.

He walked back out and I quickly got changed.

Minho shut the door behind him and the two of us walked towards the kitchen. Newt walked into the kitchen. I stared at the soft green grass that was below me.

"Hey, hey. Its ok," Minho said.

"I just... Just... Can't believe he's forgotten all about me," I sobbed.

"Maybe he just hit his head," Minho said, "Maybe he will remember you again."

I nodded. I knew Minho was only trying to make me feel better though. I hate this maze. I hate the Creators. The bright light of the sun rising over the Glade made me squint. Minho followed me into the Kitchen.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Frypan called.

"Hey, Fry", I grinned.

"Got anything to eat Fry," Minho asked.

"Yeah, go drink from the toilet bowl, you impatient shank!" Frypan laughed.

Minho took a seat on a wooden stool at the bar table and I went in to help Frypan with breakfast. I mixed up the pancake mix while Fry cooked them on the stove. Once he finished the whole lot of them, I grabbed some cream, maple syrup and berries. I decorated the pancakes before walking around and serving them, one by one to the Runners. I grabbed the last plate. Oh, how I was dreading this. The last Runner sat at the end of the bar next to George. A tall dirty blond haired model, a prince of the most wonderful dream, Newt. I grabbed the plate and made my way over to him. Tears threatened my eyes with every step. I bit my tongue to hold them back. I looked up. He sat there, perfectly. I stared into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Um... Is that for me?" Newt asked, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Yeah, sorry," I handed him the plate and started to walk off.

"Hey!" He called.

I turned around to face him, tears just at the break of rolling down my cheeks.

"I know we got off to a bad start," he said, "But can we just get over our differences and talk to each other normally? I mean, why do you hate me so much?"

A single, lonely tear full of my passion, affection and love for the British boy rolled down my left cheek.

"Newt! We didn't get off to a bad start! You just dont remember! Newt, you I We loved each other! I never hated you, I just miss you! What's wrong with you Newt!? You're not the Newt I used to know!" I cried. I let the ever coming tears continue to trickle down my cheeks, The Runners around the table started to look at us.

"Look, (Y/N). I'm so, so sorry. But I really don't know what you're talking about!" He sighed.

I turned, and a body blocked my way. I fell into their chest, letting it all go. I didn't care who it was, I didnt care about any of it. I hated the maze, I hated the creators, I hated my life! A large noise of screaming and the squeaking of metal grinding together came from outside the kitchen. I looked at the door and realised the person I had fallen into was Frypan. The rest of the boys looked at each other.

"Grievers," they all said in unison.

"Hide!" Minho cried out.

He started to talk again but was interrupted by a large metal leg landing on top of the kitchen. I screamed. The leg smashed the bar counter and I lost sight of the Runners.

"Run!" one of the Runners shouted.

I didn't hesitate and neither did Frypan. We ran for the door and I followed him out. I looked around at what used to be the beautiful Glade. Most of the buildings were crushed down and there where Gladers running around in panic everywhere. I looked back at the kitchen, or what was left of it. A hideous creature with a fleshy body and metal legs stood there. A Griever. Frypan had already run off to the Homestead where everyone was ordered to hide. The Runners started to pour out of a hole they created in the side of the kitchen wall. I tried to move my legs but they were frozen. I looked around to see that the Griever on the kitchen was the only one. Minho grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the large shack, The Homestead. I awoke from my daydream and started to run with him to the Homestead. The Griever that destroyed the kitchen started to move swiftly towards us, careless of anything in its way. I was the furthest from the Homestead, the rest of the Runners in front of me, Minho only slightly in front of me, making sure I kept up. The Griever didnt stop. It was faster than us, and it was going to catch up. I looked back, slowing slightly to see that the Griever wasn't there. I panicked. I turned back around picking up my pace again only to see that the Griever stood before me. Cutting me off from the rest of the Gladers. I started to walk backwards. The Griever jumped on top over me hovering just inches above my body. I dropped to the ground. This was it. I was going to die. What did I have to live for anyway? The Griever raised a leg that seemed to have a large needle on it. I closed my eyes and sighed.


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