Chapter Four - Conclusion of My Birthday

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"Damn it Audrey, you're going to make me cry!" said Jenny, while trying to secretly wipe a tear away from her eye

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"Damn it Audrey, you're going to make me cry!" said Jenny, while trying to secretly wipe a tear away from her eye.

I was already at Jenny's house, in her basement, watching the video that Val recorded. She gave me the CD of it, at the end of school. I was a little confused on how Val got it to me so quickly, but she explained that she was taking a video class as an elective that year. That surprised me, but I didn't want to extend my time at school, so I made a mental note to ask about it later. I thanked her quickly, and drove straight to Jenny's house. I didn't even change out of the school uniform, and its very uncomfortable.

Anyways, Jenny started to basically tear up as the video started, and one tear escaped her eye when I correctly guessed her charmed that she picked out.

"So my conclusion is, thank you," I heard my voice say, on the TV.

"Nooo," said Jenny, "thank you for being the bestest friend a bat shit crazy girl like me could ever ask for."

I smiled, and Jenny leaned over the couch to give me a hug. I returned the hug, and we released shortly. It was this moment that everything started to feel normal again, after that strange shopping day at the mall. I still wonder what Jenny couldn't tell me that day. Jenny got up up from the couch to turn off the DVD player and the TV.

"So how was your birthday at school?" asked Jenny. I wasn't used to Jenny asking me this question. I mean yeah, we went to the same school, took a lot of the same type of classes, so we basically knew how school was going for us. But she wasn't there anymore.

"Oh, ya know, the usual boring stuff," I said, shrugging.

This was true. I met all my teachers and they went over what the classes would be like. And being on my fourth year of high school, I knew what to expect from each of my classes. My private school was harder than the public school. We had basically only advanced classes and way more homework than the public high school. Actually, I could already feel the homework in my backpack in my car, staring at me. I would usually get a head start on my homework by the time I got home, so the guilt was hitting me hard.

"How was your first day?" I asked Jenny. She had joined me back on the couch.

"Hm...way more interesting than it has been in a long time," said Jenny.

"What happened?" I asked, I could feel there was more to this story.

"Oh, well first Kane took me under his wing," said Jenny. "Which ya know is weird, because he never has done that before. Always, let me fly alone."

"Maybe he felt bad for you?" I asked. Jenny looked at me like, yeah right. Kane definitely wasn't the type of twin to do everything with their other half. He was protective of her though, but not in the way where he was glued to her side.

"Well anyways," said Jenny, rolling her eyes, "he acted totally weird. Like he was giving all these death glares to all these guys. And that doesn't help making new friends."

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