Chapter four

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Everyone listens until she finishes.
"Well, I'll have to talk with her about that..."
"If you do I'll never help you again."
I role my eyes at Nina's comment.
I sigh and go upstairs. I walk into my room and sit on my bed.
"Busy day..."
I call Felix in, shes here immediately. I stand up and walk to my connected office, cracking the door.
"yes kaz?
i start to unbutton my shirt and toss it on the desk, im surprised when i don't feel her eyes on me.
"I have a task for you."
I take off my gloves, laying them neatly with my shirt as i use a cold wash cloth to rinse off.
"what is it?"
"I want you to go into my club tonight, and see who's cheating me."
"you got it, just tell me when."
i chuckle at her need to do something for me. i redress and walk out, looking at her.
"So, my coat?"
she blushes and looks down nervously as she holds it around herself.
"i d-didn't have any clothes... a-and nina only had dresses... i don't like dresses anymore..."
I nod.
"Hmm. Suits you. Go off now, I'll call you when it's time."
she smiles and nods, leaving quickly, but still silently. good girl. Obedient. Skilled, well trained. Useful. Seeing how she does tonight will be fun.
*Later The Night*
kaz called me and showed me where the club is. it's actually right below us, down stairs. i walk around the shadows, for a while i hung in the rafters, I still have heard nothing. then i see it. a man dealing cards slides one from out of his sleeve into the deck and gives it to a man who has a light smirk. once his shift is over i jump down quietly and retreat back to the shadows, following him until he goes to an empty hall. probably on his way to the restroom or something. i come out and push him against the wall, putting a small knife that kaz have me to his neck. the man jumps then laughs.
"What are you gonna do little girl? What's your problem?"
i put a little pressure on his jugular.
"my problem is your cheating, helping people steal from kaz. what will he say when he finds out?"
the mans eyes widen and he puts his hands up in a surrendering motion.
"please, don't tell kaz, you want money? i can get you money! anything, please!"
i shake my head, turning the knife and sliding the back against his neck.
"always money with you people...."
he starts to panic.
"i-i have a f-family! please! i had to do it for them!"
he's lying.
"even if you had a family. They'd be disgraced to have a man like you."
i step back and grab his arm, now holding the knife to his wrist and walking him to kaz. im very thankful i didn't have to use the gun he gave me, they're so loud. we get to kaz's room and i kick the backs of his knees, making him kneel in front of kaz.
"Why him?"
"i saw him slipping cards with a man from their sleeves."
kaz nods and stands up.
"What did he bargain?"
"Did you take it?"
"What else?"
"he said he was doing it for his family. it was a lie so i hurt his feelings and brought him here..."
he stifles a laugh.
"She, hurt your feelings?"
the man nods sadly.
"Well Felix, you've done good. Go get dinner, this was a test and you past."
i smile and hug the guy.
"sorry for hurting your feelings..."
i stand up.
"so... are you happy?"
Kaz sighs and gives a small nod. i smile brightly and go down stairs.

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