Chapter 8 - The fellow homosexuals

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"But we're already late." Mari said.

"God dammit, we're playing video games here, it doesn't matter if we're late or not." Anthony sounded annoyed, but his face was still red. Slowly, I could feel myself blushing too.

After a quick glance-exchange between my boyfriend and me, I felt that I was going to be the one to tell them.

"Okay, so... There was a lot off stuff going around in our lives lately, which you didn't notice. Actually, you guys are one of the first to know." Finally, our friends seemed interested in what I wanted to tell them, and they sat down.

With new courage, I wanted to continue speaking, but Anthony interrupted me.

"The only ones to know till this point are our girlfriends..." My boyfriend cleaned his throat. "... I mean Kalel and Melanie."

Mari wanted to say something, but David punched her in the shoulder. Anthony continued.

"By what I was saying just now, you probably already guessed it."

The whole crew simultaneously raised an eyebrow. "What are you trying to tell us?" Joven asked.

Anthony didn't say anything, so I figured that it was my turn again.

"Melanie and I broke up." I heard Mari gasp. "But we're still friends. Same with Anthony and Kalel."

"Why? Just because you had a lot going on in your life?" Matt exclaimed.

"No!" I replied with a loud voice. "You don't understand! They were part of the reason why there was much going on! But it's not their fault!"

Now our friends looked confused.

"We're gay, god dammit." Anthony suddenly said. He seemed to have enough from the seesaw.

I felt my whole body shaking, when the crew finally understood.

And then, somebody entered the room. I turned around just to see Wes, our editor, smile and wave without saying a word. When he noticed that we weren't filming, he asked "You're not recording?"

I turned around again to look what my boyfriend's reaction was, and saw that he nodded his head towards David, who then explained "Ian and Anthony are gay, too."

Nobody of us said a word. Then, after some time, Wes found his voice again. "What... What do you mean, they're gay TOO?"  

David sighed and looked at Wes with serious eyes. "Come on."

Our editor blushed a bit, but the grinning on his face was back. "Hello fellow homosexuals."

I opened my mouth in surprise, but I couldn't say a word.

Thankfully, Anthony did. "You're gay?"

"So is there anyone else who wants to come out?" Mari jokingly asked. Her face seemed as surprised as mine.

"I'm a married man! I'm not gay, I swear!" David joked. But then he got serious again. "No but really, Wes is gay and Matt, Joven and I know that for a while now."

Wes finally came a bit closer to us and leaned against the wall. "So, are you gay for each other? Or just... gay?" Wes asked as to change the subject a bit.

I felt Anthony's side pressing against mine, and grabbed his hand. It was shaking uncontrollable.

"Yeah, we're together." I said silently. "Is this a problem?"

"Not for us, certainly." Joven said. "But what about Kalel and Melanie?"

I sighed. "As I said, they're not our girlfriends anymore. But Melanie understood me, she was sad of course, but she knows that she can't change my sexuality." I made a pause. "As for Kalel, there were some problems, but they're fixed now."

"We'll blow the wedding of course." my boyfriend added. "By the way," Anthony added. "Please don't tell anyone. Our families still don't know, and we're working on a Coming-out video."

"Alright." Matt said. "Just one question though..."

"What?" I asked, hoping it wasn't too embarrassing.

"Can we finally play the game?"

We decided to let Wes play with us in that Game-Bang episode. Anyways, he became more and more a part of the Smosh Games crew over the last few months, just like Flitz.

Recording the episode was as normal as always, and I was glad that my friends didn't make a big thing about Anthony's and my coming-out. I was still a bit surprised by Wes being gay, but wrote a mental note to talk to him. I didn't really know that much about how it is being gay, with other people knowing.

After David, Joven and Anthony did their punishment, we ended the episode as always: By shouting "Game Bang!"

We continued to play a bit afterwards, but the guys and Mari had to go soon. And so, Anthony and I were the only ones left.

We turned off the game console, grabbed a few snacks and decided to leave.

"'kay. Let's drive home now. We still have to finish our idea-sheet!" Anthony said and checked his trousers for the car keys.

"Weird to call it home. Most of my stuff's still at Melanie's. I have to grab it tomorrow or so." I said while leaving the room. My boyfriend followed me.

"Yeah, same with me. Then let's do this tomorrow and also go shopping. We have to make our old home to our new, better home!" Anthony's enthusiasm made me exited about working the whole day tomorrow and buying stuff like toilet paper.

"Yo! Let's do this!"

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