Nostalgic Times

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Taehyung's P.O.V


I kept giggling as I ran away with Jungkook to our hiding place, being chased by our mothers who were upset with the mess we made.

Flashback to the incident
"Kookie, don't you think this is a little... harsh?" I nervously looked at Jungkook as we set up the buckets of ice, tomato sauce, and flour on top of the door.

"It's fine Taetae, it'll be funny, plus if they look for us or chase us we can run to our hiding spot remember?"

I slowly nodded my head as I followed Jungkook to the corner of the room so they don't see us.

"Taehyung, Jungkook? Where are they?" I chuckled as I heard my mother and Jungkook's mother ask for us. I heard her footsteps get closer to the room as I kept giggling.


I looked at my mom and Jungkook's mom covered in ice, tomato sauce, and flour. Jungkook was right, it was funny.

End of the flashback

"Kookie-" "Shh! Taetae we have to be quiet so they don't find us!" I nodded my head obediently and hugged my legs with my arms.

"Ugh, it's ok lets just forget about it, go back to work Taeyeon (Taehyung's mother)." I saw my mother nod and run towards the kitchen to continue cleaning.

"The coast is clear, now we can go to the basement and play hide and seek!" I smiled as I followed Jungkook to his huge basement filled with toys and games.


"8...9...10! Ready or not here I come Taetae" I turned off the lights in the closet as I hid in there so Jungkook doesn't find me.

"Hm. Maybe I should turn the lights on.. it's scary" I turned the lights on and hid behind all of the clothes, hoping that that'll help me be less clear to Jungkook.

"Come out come out wherever you are Taetae~" singsonged Jungkook as i heard his voice getting closer to the closet.

I panicked as I shifted my position since it was getting uncomfortable. I accidentally knocked over the shoe rack which lead to it falling to the ground, creating a loud thud. I sighed heavily as I knew that Jungkook found me because of the sound.

Jungkook then opened the closet I was in and chuckled as he saw me with some clothes on me from my clumsy self.

"I found you Taetae! Now it's your tu-"

"Taehyung! It's time to go home sweetie!" Both Jungkook and I groaned as we had to say goodbye to each other.

"Aw, I'm sorry Kookie. But I have to go home." I pouted as I looked at Jungkook sadly, not wanting to leave to play more.

"It's ok Taetae, I'll see you next time anyway so don't worry!" I nodded my head as I smiled at Jungkook... my Jungkook.

"I'll walk you there Taetae it's ok! Cheer up." Jungkook grabbed my hand and lead me to my mother who was impatiently waiting for me. I smiled as I looked at our intertwined hands. It made me felt secure, calm, as if nothing would happen to me.

"There you are! I've been waiting for ages. Anyway, say goodbye to Jungkook, Taehyung." I turned towards Jungkook and smiled as I hugged him and said goodbye.

My mother and I left the house as we walked out to leave. My hand felt cold as I left. Jungkook's hands were so warm and secure.. I'm going to miss that feeling until next time.

"Remember that I'll be waiting for you to come soon Taetae! I'll have my transformers ready!" Screamed Jungkook from the front of the door as I walked hand in hand with my mother to our car.

If only my younger self knew that that "next time" was going to be....different..


A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this story! This story is actually based off of my childhood friend and I. Except this is Vkook and they fall in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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