Rose 2

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"So, if I were living plastic, where would I go?" The Doctor wondered as he and Teresa hurried down the streets and into the Powell Estate.

"Try using the sonic." Teresa suggested, and he looked at her with some amusement.

"Do I like you in the future?" He asked as he pulled out his sonic, and she paused.

"Er..." She began. While he technically seemed to be on good terms with her further down the line, his reaction at 'End of the World' suggested he really didn't like her.

"At times?" She said at last, deciding that was the safest answer.

He raised a brow, silently asking for an explanation, and she confessed: "Most times, but, you know..."

He shrugged and they began on their way again as the sonic beeped, Teresa looking at him curiously.

"You're taking this much better than I thought you would." Teresa commented, and he frowned at her.

"Well, how did you think I would take it?" He asked, puzzled, and she admitted: "Er, not very well, actually. I mean, you don't really like people who know your future, do you?"

"Yes," he agreed, "but, I agreed to give you one chance. Don't let it get to your head though," he warned as she beamed, "mess it up, and I'll throw you out."

"We're already outside." Teresa pointed out and he countered: "I'll still throw you out."

"Of course you will." Teresa said sarcastically as they hurried up the stairs.

"What's that supposed to imply?" He demanded, and she said with a small smile: "You gave me a chance because you're curious about what I could be."

He paused, giving her a look over his shoulder, which she met squarely.

"No, I'm not." He denied, but she heard the lie. Teresa grinned, and he grimaced.

"Shut up." He muttered as he led the way down the hallway, and Teresa laughed: "No!"

The Doctor stopped before one of the doors a few apartments down from the stairs, his sonic beeping stronger.

"Here?" He muttered as he knelt down so that he was face to face with the cat flap at the bottom of the door. Teresa sighed as he tried to open the flap, only to find it nailed down.

"You could just tell me that it was sealed." He pointed out and she answered with a shake of her head: "Spoilers."

"'Spoilers'?" He repeated questioningly, and she explained: "Remember I can't tell you what happens in the future without creating a paradox, or worse? Well, so I call moments like those 'spoilers'."

"Huh." He commented as he turned back to the cat flap, using his sonic to unscrew the nails inside.

"I actually borrowed it from the show." Teresa confessed and he snorted as he removed the final nail. He moved his head closer to the cat flap, getting ready to peer inside, when Teresa snorted as the cat flap lifted of its own accord instead. She just saw Rose's face before the blonde girl dropped the cat flap again in fright.

The door was wrenched open as the Doctor jumped to his feet, asking in disbelief: "What're you doing here?"

"She lives here." Teresa explained as Rose said at the same time: "I live here."

Rose looked at Teresa in shock while the Doctor turned to Teresa, asking: "Well, what does she do that for?"

"Why don't you ask her?" Teresa suggested, and the Doctor turned to Rose, asking: "What do you do that for?"

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