Vampires of Venice

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"I swear, I didn't mean to. I was just, and he was just," Amy babbled, and Teresa held up a hand to stop her.

The redhead stopped immediately and Teresa asked her slowly and gently: "Alright, Amy. Take a deep breath, and tell me what happened. Slowly."

Amy took a deep breath as Teresa suggested, but then blurted out: "I kissed the Doctor."

Teresa blinked, and she realized she must be right at the beginning of 'Vampires in Venice'.

"Oh, has the Doctor gone to fetch Rory?" Teresa asked curiously, and Amy nodded, looking apprehensive.

Teresa said kindly: "Well, I'm sure if you just explain to Rory that you love him and you didn't mean it in kissing the Doctor, he'll understand. Just make sure you include that you were terrified, almost died, and weren't thinking straight, and I'm sure Rory will forgive you."

Amy blinked at her and asked: "Yeah, but..."

She trailed off uncertainly, and Teresa looked at her curiously.

"But what?" She asked and Amy asked slowly, brows furrowed: "Do you... not mind?"

"Mind what?" Teresa asked blankly.

Amy blinked and muttered vaguely: "Never mind..."

Teresa stared at her curiously, but they were interrupted as the Doctor returned, pushing Rory in through the Tardis doors.

"Come on in. Get comfortable, make yourself at home." The Doctor was saying, when he spotted Teresa by the console.

"Terry!" He called ecstatically as he ran forward, but then did a double take as he really took her in. Teresa raised a brow as he seemed to silently groan at what he saw.

"Well, that was a wonderful greeting. Definitely feeling at home." Teresa said sarcastically, wondering why he and Amy had given her such odd greetings. Had she done something in her future during the fiasco with the Angels?

The Doctor quickly schooled his features back into a happy smile as he said airily: "No, sorry about that. Just wasn't expecting young you."

He sent an almost glare at Amy, who shifted nervously. Teresa didn't understand, and glanced between them puzzled, but jumped as the Doctor wrapped his arm around her and tugged her with him below the console. He began to tinker about underneath, holding Teresa to his side firmly, and leaving Rory and Amy awkwardly above them.

"So, where've you just come from?" He asked her as he began to weld something underneath the console, and Teresa blinked.

"Seriously? Shouldn't you be focusing on saving Amy's almost marriage?" She hissed, pointing at the anxious redhead as she nibbled on a finger while she paced, and he rolled his eyes.

But he obliged her as he called out for them to hear: "Oh, the life out there, it dazzles. I mean, it blinds you to the things that are important. I've seen it devour relationships and plans."

Teresa winced, not his best choice of words. She winced again as he hit something and made the console spark right beside Rory. The Doctor blinked and then said sheepishly: "It's meant to do that."

Teresa raised a brow at him, but he went on, back to his original point: "Because for one person to have seen all that, to taste the glory and then go back, it will tear you apart. So," he beamed at the pair, "I'm sending you somewhere, together."

"Whoa. What, like a date?" Amy asked, stopping her pacing.

The Doctor answered lightly as he dragged Teresa with him back up towards the console: "Anywhere you want. Any time you want."

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